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Jamaica calls for Britain to pay billions of pounds in reparations for

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Personally I think it won't and should never happen.

We should never forget about slavery and the impacts of it along with other large history lessons but even apologising for slavery in my opinion is just stupid it's something the happened centuries ago if it was 50-75 years ago maybe.

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Personally I think it won't and should never happen.

We should never forget about slavery and the impacts of it along with other large history lessons but even apologising for slavery in my opinion is just stupid it's something the happened centuries ago if it was 50-75 years ago maybe.


Agreed,why should we have to keep paying and apologising for things our ancestors did.I am guessing that most people in this country will not be proud of what our ancestors did.Even Ainsley Harriets great grandfather was a slave owner ,Ainsley should not feel obliged to apologise for what his great grandfather did,why should any of us have too.What happened should never be forgotten but the world needs to move on.

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They're just trying it on, to see if they can cash in on the guilt we're supposed to feel about slavery, which we were the first to make illegal two hundred years ago. If Cameron even responds to this, he's a fool.


If I had the choice between being in most African countries and Jamaica ... no contest.

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I'm not paying a penny towards it. At those times in history my ancestors we're mere peasants in what was known as the Britsh Raj (or whatever Pakistan/India) was called then. Nothing to do with me, guv....

In fact, I would like the minimum wage back paying for a couple of hundred years for the work my great grandads did in the tea plantations. How do I start myself one of these petitions?


Seriously though, this is ridiculous. History is history.

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Personally I think it won't and should never happen.

We should never forget about slavery and the impacts of it along with other large history lessons but even apologising for slavery in my opinion is just stupid it's something the happened centuries ago if it was 50-75 years ago maybe.

Why is it these people seem to forget that the Africans and Arabs were the biggest slave traders as were other countries yet they target the English, why not repatriate all of African descent back to their country of origin, perhaps that may satisfy them.

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