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Russia now bombing Syria

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It is astonishing.

Had you told me 10 years ago I would be sympathetic toward Putin I would have been skeptical.

For example, I’m sure Putin has over seen his own share of false flag operations.


Fact is that Assad invited Putin as did it seems did the Crimea.


Our leaders in the West are such appalling liars and decievers, that many of us are sick of it, and it has to change...

You cannot maintain solidity upon false foundations. Cameron & his co war mongers will fall, and ISIS with them.

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It is astonishing.

Had you told me 10 years ago I would be sympathetic toward Putin I would have been skeptical.

For example, I’m sure Putin has over seen his own share of false flag operations.


Fact is that Assad invited Putin as did it seems did the Crimea.


Our leaders in the West are such appalling liars and decievers, that many of us are sick of it, and it has to change...

You cannot maintain solidity upon false foundations. Cameron & his co war mongers will fall, and ISIS with them.


That may be so, but Assad and Putin are both major league ********s.

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It is astonishing.

Had you told me 10 years ago I would be sympathetic toward Putin I would have been skeptical.

For example, I’m sure Putin has over seen his own share of false flag operations.


Fact is that Assad invited Putin as did it seems did the Crimea.


Our leaders in the West are such appalling liars and decievers, that many of us are sick of it, and it has to change...

You cannot maintain solidity upon false foundations. Cameron & his co war mongers will fall, and ISIS with them.


Any chance you will be leaving for a country you find yourself more aligned to?

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Wtf is the US doing dropping 50 tons of ammunition to so called rebels in Syria? = http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/12/politics/syria-rebel-groups-ammunition-50-tons/

The US are supporting potential terrorists, no doubt these ammunition will end up with ISIS! :rolleyes:


No doubt at all? Not even a bit? The Americans arent going to put boots on the ground. They aren't going to supply assad arms to combat ISIS. They aren't going to help the iranians etc, Turkey will get the face on if they supply the Kurds with much so they're left with trying to supply the FSA, who don't like ISIS either.

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Its starting to get surreal:huh: does anybody know the difference between Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) and Jaysh al Fateh, Al Qaeda, or the highly paid Mercenaries. The Army of Conquest is the coalition, of mostly jihadist and Islamist groups including Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa and the powerful Islamist Ahrar al-Sham. see globalresearch.ca and al-monitor.com

No better than ISIS they too seek to establish an Islamist non-democratic dictatorial and brutal Theocracy in Syria

The US , EU and NATO (including Turkey) must stop lying about this.

Edited by johncocker
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Its starting to get surreal:huh: does anybody know the difference between Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) and Jaysh al Fateh, Al Qaeda, or the highly paid Mercenaries. The Army of Conquest is the coalition, of mostly jihadist and Islamist groups including Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa and the powerful Islamist Ahrar al-Sham. see globalresearch.ca and al-monitor.com

No better than ISIS they too seek to establish an Islamist non-democratic dictatorial and brutal Theocracy in Syria

The US , EU and NATO (including Turkey) must stop lying about this.


All the West seems to be doing is giving more weapons to an already incredibly unstable area. Regardless of which side you give them to this is not going to end well. If we are so worried about ISIS then we need men on the ground under a UN or NATO at a minimum banner.

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