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Russia now bombing Syria

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All the West seems to be doing is giving more weapons to an already incredibly unstable area. Regardless of which side you give them to this is not going to end well. If we are so worried about ISIS then we need men on the ground under a UN or NATO at a minimum banner.


I fully agree that we need ground troops to defeat IS.

Unfortunately the young and fit Syrian men and women who should be fighting the IS invaders have fled and left others to fight and protect those left behind.

Instead of UN or NATO forces risking their lives why not send back to Syria the Syrians and those claiming to be Syrians to defend and bring peace to their own country.

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I fully agree that we need ground troops to defeat IS.

Unfortunately the young and fit Syrian men and women who should be fighting the IS invaders have fled and left others to fight and protect those left behind.

Instead of UN or NATO forces risking their lives why not send back to Syria the Syrians and those claiming to be Syrians to defend and bring peace to their own country.


Give them a one way ticket and a gun?

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well YOU would say that wouldnt you? at least they are actually doing something to address IS:roll:


Assad is doing something to protect his own neck. His troops have discovered tunnels into Damascus only recently that have been created in preparation for an ISIS attack. This is how ISIS operate and how they take cities quickly.


Assad like many others saw the footage of Gaddafi being lynched in the street. ISIS would be far worse.


Putin is just helping out his client. Who will be paying for this help in one way or another.

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Russia are just desperate. This is not a sign of their strength at all but a sign of their weakness. Syria is the last client or even friend they have in the Middle East. 25 years ago they had loads. And getting sucked into all this like they have been won't help them.

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Russia are just desperate. This is not a sign of their strength at all but a sign of their weakness. Syria is the last client or even friend they have in the Middle East. 25 years ago they had loads. And getting sucked into all this like they have been won't help them.


i hardly think they are desperate:roll: i dont even think they need friends in the middle east? they have oil and gas of their own.

i think they are making sure that a clear message is being sent to any terrorists and IS sympathizers to stay away from Russian soil, hes not doing it for the sake of humanity or the EU! good for him its best to look after yourself

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i hardly think they are desperate:roll: i dont even think they need friends in the middle east? they have oil and gas of their own.

i think they are making sure that a clear message is being sent to any terrorists and IS sympathizers to stay away from Russian soil, hes not doing it for the sake of humanity or the EU! good for him its best to look after yourself


Russia's not exactly desperate but still vunerable, toppling Assad would mean construction of the Qatari pipeline to Europe, which would compete with Russian gas and oil exports to Europe, thus further weakening Russia economically.


America has a long and profitable history of cooperation with Gulf kingdoms. Also - the primacy of those nations in oil production ensures its sales in the US dollar and degree of control over levels of production.


Partitioning Syria, and possibly Iraq, into smaller states would increase the primacy of Israel over the region and leave Golan Heights permanently within Israel.


Lastly, the only remaining Russian naval base in the Med would be gone




The way Putin is playing this game is to make it politically impossible for the USA to take direct military action, , but the more humiliated USA. will feel, the more dangerous they will become. maybe then Russia will end up offering them a face saving” solution, precisely to avoid cornering them and making them do something really dumb and dangerous.


---------- Post added 13-10-2015 at 14:16 ----------


All the West seems to be doing is giving more weapons to an already incredibly unstable area. Regardless of which side you give them to this is not going to end well. If we are so worried about ISIS then we need men on the ground under a UN or NATO at a minimum banner.



I'm starting to think me old mate nostradamus might have been on to something:help:

Edited by johncocker
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i hardly think they are desperate:roll: i dont even think they need friends in the middle east? they have oil and gas of their own.


haven't you noticed what has happened to the Russian rouble? It is worth half what it was two years ago. Not unconnected to the fact that the international oil price, has collapsed. Russia has got an incredible amount of problems. More than any of the other European powers, by a mile.


and if they lose their solitary Mediterranean port like they will do if Assad goes down then they won't even be a European power any more. They are in a right mess. And it's going to get messier for them now they are in a shooting war, in the Middle East. Who wants to be in one of those. Of course they're desperate.

Edited by blake
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