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Russia now bombing Syria

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And now Turkey have shot down a drone. Now unless it's one of those you can get off ebay this could get interesting.


A) they've shot down an American one. They won't be happy

B) they've shot down a russian one. They really won't be happy.

C) ISIS have got their hands on some drones. That can't be good.



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And now Turkey have shot down a drone. Now unless it's one of those you can get off ebay this could get interesting.


A) they've shot down an American one. They won't be happy

B) they've shot down a russian one. They really won't be happy.

C) ISIS have got their hands on some drones. That can't be good.




Drones are even more difficult to fly than a plane. The best ISIS can do right now is stock a light aircraft with explosives and use it as a flying bomb.

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here's some good "drone work"(with its very own sexy music) from a suburb in damascus






From a book written 2500 years ago:

(Isaiah 17:1)

Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap


Seems to be loads of drone videos at the moment.

Its kind of eerie looking at the ruins.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks possible the attack on the airliner could have been a deliberate response to Russia getting involved in Syria. Wait and see if theres any change.


Russians are already scrambling to apportion blame to others in case it reflects badly on Putins anti terrorist decision,but what else can you expect from them?

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