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Russia now bombing Syria

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As would Putin and also, in private at least, as would Obama and Cameron now.


so whats peoples problem with Putin or Assad? its a win win situation, he is prepared to send 150,000 ground troops apparently to wipe out IS good for him crack on

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yes i do support Assad, he is and his family have been in power for a long time, this at the moment is the only solution he is the only legitimate government in place, the west are fannyin around trying to please all and warrant actions, this has gone too far and Putin is at least doing something, what other solution is there?? send nato in in eh?


So its ok in your book to slaughter unarmed protestors and rig your elections. Nice one slordy. the fact a dictator has been in power a long time isnt a jsutification he should stay in power. He came to power by virtue of a coup carried out by his father.


The West arent trying to please anyone. Much as you love Putin I think you will find he has done very little except bomb some moderates, but nice one.

Edited by 999tigger
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If Assad falls then Syria will go the same way as Libya




So the West want to take out the evil dictator Assad.


Like they took out Saddam Hussein in Iraq, like they took out Gaddafi in Libya.


So tell me, how are Libya and Iraq looking right now? Murder, rape, kidnapping, car bombs.. - is this the triumph of democracy then? They are now both failed, lawless states, and if the West had managed to overthrow the evil etc etc Assad, so would Syria be.


There is a very bad smell to the whole of the "Arab Spring". Does anyone really believe that all these rebel groups suddenly appeared, all magically armed and funded, spontaneously?


Something very dark and dirty has gone on in Arab countries in the last few years and we will never get the whole tale of who, what and why.

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So its ok in your book to slaughter unarmed protestors and rig your elections. Nice one slordy. the fact a dictator has been in power a long time osnt a jsutification he should stay in power.


The West arent trying to please anyone. Much as you love Pitin I think you will find he has done very little except bomb some moderates, but nice one.


Stop watching and believing the propaganda .......l.

The so called moderates being funded and trained bŷ the west are going to become Isis if Assad falls.

Watch this and learn how Isis began from its small beginnings is a US detention centre= http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02rhxgr

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So its ok in your book to slaughter unarmed protestors and rig your elections. Nice one slordy. the fact a dictator has been in power a long time osnt a jsutification he should stay in power.


The West arent trying to please anyone. Much as you love Pitin I think you will find he has done very little except bomb some moderates, but nice one.


excuse me ???Assad is not an exclusive?? plenty of other places have what you call a dictator? i think you will find he has plenty of support to keep him in.

the west have been trying to appease all sides for years, lets see some more of Putins action its about time! bombing terrorists and rebels which amount the same really? you keep wringing those hands...Nice One!:roll:

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excuse me ???Assad is not an exclusive?? plenty of other places have what you call a dictator? i think you will find he has plenty of support to keep him in.

the west have been trying to appease all sides for years, lets see some more of Putins action its about time! bombing terrorists and rebels which amount the same really? you keep wringing those hands...Nice One!:roll:


Think theres a difference between keeping on power because your dad used violence to gain it and then failed to have free and fair elections in case people might object. He has support in terms of his own party because they are the ones in power and they dont mind using terror and brutality to keep themselves there. Nice to see hes you are a fan of such tactics.


Who have the west been trying to appease? The West dont really know what to do because there is no clear answer, hence their inaction and why its dragged on.


Russia has carried out less than ten sorties, which is hardly earth shattering and will achieve little. He will need a thousand times that to get anywhere, so its a bit early to start banking all your hopes on Putin. You carry on backing the Assad , good to know what you stand for.

Edited by 999tigger
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Think theres a difference between keeping on power because your dad used violence to gain it and then failed to have free and fair elections in case people might object. He has support in terms of his own party because they are the ones in power and they dont mind using terror and brutality to keep themselves there. Nice to see hes you are a fan of such tactics.


Who have the west been trying to appease? The West dont really know what to do because there is no clear answer, hence their inaction and why its dragged on.


Russia has carried out less than ten sorties, which is hardly earth shattering and will achieve little. He will need a thousand times that to get anywhere, so its a bit early to start banking all your hopes on Putin. You carry on backing the Assad , good to know what you stand for.


you forget that Syria have absolutly nothing to do with us? unless you think we in the west should police the whole world??? maybe we ought to launch airstrikes on Mugabe?? actually thats a good idea!!

i am a fan of keeping our own country in one piece without worrying about a middle east one!

the west have no clear direction at least Putin puts up and apparently he is placing tens of thousands of troops in Syria to smash IS and once he starts i doubt he wont see it through, like Crimea, i do back Assad and Putin its a good means to the end of this conflict or at least a step in the right direction, you stay in airy fairy land

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Thank God, that some people here are awake, and not slavering over the MSM BS.

Well done Timeh, Slordy, Mafia, Anna, Harrystottle, Staninoodle, and Mike Frank.

Sadly, I think you may be talking to the wall with the likes of 999Tigger, Tinfoil and the yanks Halibut and Harleyman? But hey ho, now I'll give it a try.

Here is an article that may give you a little insight.... it does take some reading and may need researching, But the facts are love him or hate him Bashar Assad is the democratically elected leader of Syria. He received 88% of the votes in a FREE election. How many did Camoron get, or Obama?

See here: http://www.fifthinternational.org/content/fragile-recovery-robust-aggression-looming-crisis

Hafiz Assad was thrust into power in a bloodless coup.... research it. Supported by his psychopath of a brother Rifaat, Who was rewarded by giving him autonomy over the Military and Intelligence Service? But he wanted it all. Get it yet?. It was HE - THE BUTCHER OF HOMS who ordered the atrocities in Homs, to create trouble for Hafiz assisted by the CIA, and he is still working in the wings with the US to try and bring Bashar Assad down. Just do a bit of reading other than the mainstream rags. All the propaganda spewed by the west comes from Rifaat's sons News Agency. Surprise surprise.

See here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/07/world/middleeast/damascus.html?_r=0


I can give you much more, but I don't want to tax the mentally challenged too soon.

BRAVO to Putin, at last he has the ISIS dogs running... he has done in one week what it has taken the US and all the rest four and a half years to do... but then again... we all know that ISIS are McCains boys... so have never ever been a target.

See here: http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2014/08/13/senator-john-mccains-whoops-moment-photographed-chilling-with-isis-chief-al-baghdadi-and-terrorist-muahmmad-noor/

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