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Protesting outside conferences

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Why do the left feel the need to go to other parties conferences and protest. The Labour Party are planning to protest outside the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. They also protested outside the UKIP one in Doncaster.


Now I'm not a fan of UKIP nor did I vote Conservative but the tories and UKIP never protest outside Labour conferences so why do Labour do it.


Its like Labour protesting about the tory government. We had an election. Labour didnt win. The public have spoken so instead of protesting and whinging they should put forward different policies.

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Why do the left feel the need to go to other parties conferences and protest. The Labour Party are planning to protest outside the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. They also protested outside the UKIP one in Doncaster.


Now I'm not a fan of UKIP nor did I vote Conservative but the tories and UKIP never protest outside Labour conferences so why do Labour do it.


Its like Labour protesting about the tory government. We had an election. Labour didnt win. The public have spoken so instead of protesting and whinging they should put forward different policies.


because they have inferiority complexes..................actually hang on....yes they are:hihi:

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Why do the left feel the need to go to other parties conferences and protest. Its like Labour protesting about the tory government. We had an election. Labour didnt win. The public have spoken so instead of protesting and whinging they should put forward different policies.


It is not Labour protesting, the protest is organised by the TUC. Perhaps the right wingers will ban protests, they seem to be banning more and more things, I thought that Conservatives were mean to be Libertarians?

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I don't think most Labour supporters want to be associated with this type of protestor or those that organise or participate in protest marches.

In fact I think it will influence people not to vote Labour.


Well you would think wouldnt you. But the instructions are coming from the top it seems



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I don't think most Labour supporters want to be associated with this type of protestor or those that organise or participate in protest marches.

In fact I think it will influence people not to vote Labour.


It will be interesting to see how many people do the protest march, the papers were suggesting almost 100,000

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It will be interesting to see how many people do the protest march, the papers were suggesting almost 100,000


Its how many SWP they can get really and if the unions will bring their supporters. Its not the average person as they will either be working or resting on their day off.

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I don't think most Labour supporters want to be associated with this type of protestor or those that organise or participate in protest marches.

In fact I think it will influence people not to vote Labour.


i'm pretty sure that you are right. the nutters protest, wave banners and cause a nuisance. it puts off the non active voters from supporting the party. it's like arthur scargill. he cost labour tens of thousands of votes but is still loved by the poster defacing head cases.

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