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Protesting outside conferences

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I make no assertion about any Prime Minister. I suggest that Drummonds evidence is thin in the extreme. Try this link for 6 polls, Mrs T comes 50th in the final one :-




Whats with the "again"?

Blair was never beaten by the Tory's - not much of a statement is it.


actually i posted a survey of public opinion rather than the opinion of one or two. but in the end it is another of your red herrings. labour have picked another duffer as leader. the public will judge him the same as they judged brown, miliband, foot, kinnock. a man not fit for the office of prime minister.


the irony is the more the left wing party members love their leader, the less likely he will find favour with the general public. in that respect corbyn is labours greatest triumph. a leader even more unelecable than all the rest. the party have excelled themselves.


regarding blair. you are right. he never was beaten by the tories. there again he was hated by the labour party rank and file. which rather proves the point about the public not wanting what the labour party membership want. fortunately such logic is beyond the thought process of the average union leader. so it doesn't occur to them to tell the membership to vote for anyone in with a chance of winning a general election.

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I saw highlights of the "abuse" the Tory Scum were subjected to at their jolly knees-up in Manchester, and I saw nothing serious enough to generate a six-page on here. . . were any Muslims involved ?!


Because I saw little else other than some protestors throwing coloured plastic balls in the general vicinity of the delegates.




And if the Tory Scum can't handle that, roll on the next general election when Comrade Corbyn will take charge of the country :thumbsup:

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Was it her personality, or her policies?


personality wasnt really the issue it was her strength and determination, her policies were copied the world over and envied, her refusal to be bullied by unions and the left. she brought the country back from the brink of disaster after the dark labour years of strikes, power cuts etc...so in answer to your question both!

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personality wasnt really the issue it was her strength and determination, her policies were copied the world over and envied, her refusal to be bullied by unions and the left. she brought the country back from the brink of disaster after the dark labour years of strikes, power cuts etc...so in answer to your question both!


ah yes. the 1970s. the time when your power went off in the evening just as the tv came on. a time when they paid taxes so that folk could sleep on the night shift a british leyland whilst making morris marinas that no one wanted to buy despite a £2000/car subsidy.

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