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Police reckon it was 60,000 which is not an inconsiderable number by anyone's reckoning.


And I object strongly to the disrespectful use of the word 'scum' to describe them in this thread. They are people like you and me.


Its an overused word, "Tory Scum" is very common. I trust you extend your objection to us as well?


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 12:15 ----------



I also remember her getting stabbed in the back by her own politicians. Maybe the poll tax fiasco was where the doubts started to surface.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 02:29 ----------



It was wrong to throw the egg, but I'm afraid it did reach the most deserving recipient. What a twerp. Did you hear him sounding off before it happened? I thought he was almost daring someone to egg him with his outlandish behaviour...


No, wrong again, the backstabbers were more concerned over her attitude to Europe, she had outstayed her usefulness and like Blair went slightly mad after winning her third election.


Her first two terms were, without doubt the greatest turnaround in the history of this country, she took us from an absolute basket case to the envy of the world.


She should have resigned shortly after winning the third term. None the less the best peacetime PM we ever had.

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Its an overused word, "Tory Scum" is very common. I trust you extend your objection to us as well?


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 12:15 ----------



No, wrong again, the backstabbers were more concerned over her attitude to Europe, she had outstayed her usefulness and like Blair went slightly mad after winning her third election.


Her first two terms were, without doubt the greatest turnaround in the history of this country, she took us from an absolute basket case to the envy of the world.


She should have resigned shortly after winning the third term. None the less the best peacetime PM we ever had.


every opinion poll seems to confirm that in the eyes of the british public thatcher was one of our our greatest ever prime ministers.




it does amuse me that the politically active lefties think that a rabble represents public opinion of the middle england voters. most of who never look beyond the headline of "rabble turn up and spit in journalists face, throw egg at man attending a public meeting". whilst the leftie rabble congratulate themselves down at the trotsky's arms they probably don't realise they just handed the tories another 10,000 votes. job well done.

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I also remember her getting stabbed in the back by her own politicians. Maybe the poll tax fiasco was where the doubts started to surface.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 02:29 ----------



It was wrong to throw the egg, but I'm afraid it did reach the most deserving recipient. What a twerp. Did you hear him sounding off before it happened? I thought he was almost daring someone to egg him with his outlandish behaviour...


So because I disagree with you I can throw eggs at you then? Right?


That makes it OK?

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every opinion poll seems to confirm that in the eyes of the british public thatcher was one of our our greatest ever prime ministers.




I followed your link. Only 4 PM's in it. Is this the basis of your opinion above the link. What about Clement Attlee. Beware, Churchill treated him like todays tory's are treating Corbyn and the public weren't convinced then.



Alan Ladd - "No, wrong again, the backstabbers were more concerned over her attitude to Europe, she had outstayed her usefulness and like Blair went slightly mad after winning her third election."


So you agree with Anna that she (Thatcher) was stabbed in the back by her own party, it's only in the speculation on the reason where you differ.

Followed by a straight cough that Thatcher was used, abused and dumped together with a assertion that she went nuts - the nasty party indeed.

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I followed your link. Only 4 PM's in it. Is this the basis of your opinion above the link. What about Clement Attlee. Beware, Churchill treated him like todays tory's are treating Corbyn and the public weren't convinced then.


Are you trying to re-write history again.


Thatcher is still considered one of the greatest Prime Ministers the UK has had, second only to Churchill. Don't think that speaking to people in Sheffield gives you a wide consensus of the opinion of the British public.


Thatcher was never beaten by Labour, she increased her popular vote share after the miners strikes too. She took the sick man of Europe and turned us into one of the richest and most powerful nations on the planet.

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every opinion poll seems to confirm that in the eyes of the british public thatcher was one of our our greatest ever prime ministers.




it does amuse me that the politically active lefties think that a rabble represents public opinion of the middle england voters. most of who never look beyond the headline of "rabble turn up and spit in journalists face, throw egg at man attending a public meeting". whilst the leftie rabble congratulate themselves down at the trotsky's arms they probably don't realise they just handed the tories another 10,000 votes. job well done.


Absolutely agree, the Labour party is finished if it does not wake up to the fact that the British will never vote for extremists. Not good for democracy to see this once great party in meltdown.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 13:37 ----------


I followed your link. Only 4 PM's in it. Is this the basis of your opinion above the link. What about Clement Attlee. Beware, Churchill treated him like todays tory's are treating Corbyn and the public weren't convinced then.



Alan Ladd - "No, wrong again, the backstabbers were more concerned over her attitude to Europe, she had outstayed her usefulness and like Blair went slightly mad after winning her third election."


So you agree with Anna that she (Thatcher) was stabbed in the back by her own party, it's only in the speculation on the reason where you differ.

Followed by a straight cough that Thatcher was used, abused and dumped together with a assertion that she went nuts - the nasty party indeed.


No nastier than Brown and his cohorts were with Blair. The Tories have no monopoly on nastiness. Remember when you sound off it was Labour who took us into illegal wars, lied to parliament and the country, nearly bankrupted us. Ask any citizen of North Africa what he thinks of Blair, Brown and the rest of them. Thatcher resigned knowing she would be beaten in an election for the leader of her party, she lost the confidence of a large number of MPs. Its called democracy.

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Are you trying to re-write history again.


Thatcher is still considered one of the greatest Prime Ministers the UK has had, second only to Churchill. Don't think that speaking to people in Sheffield gives you a wide consensus of the opinion of the British public.


Thatcher was never beaten by Labour, she increased her popular vote share after the miners strikes too. She took the sick man of Europe and turned us into one of the richest and most powerful nations on the planet.


I make no assertion about any Prime Minister. I suggest that Drummonds evidence is thin in the extreme. Try this link for 6 polls, Mrs T comes 50th in the final one :-




Whats with the "again"?

Blair was never beaten by the Tory's - not much of a statement is it.

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I make no assertion about any Prime Minister. I suggest that Drummonds evidence is thin in the extreme. Try this link for 6 polls, Mrs T comes 50th in the final one :-




Whats with the "again"?

Blair was never beaten by the Tory's - not much of a statement is it.


Polls? Thatcher never tried to be popular or consensual. She was divisive, strident and right.


I dont know how old you are but maybe you had to be around in 1979, when we couldnt bury the dead, the lights went out and we were the basket case of the developed world.


Those who voted her in tell the true story, more trade unionists voted for her than for Labour. Why? they new how corrupt and traitorous the union barons and their Labour party apologists were.


She sorted out the unions, the economy and the Russians. Ended dictatorship in Argentina, predicted the demise of the EU,


A truly brilliant woman and the best peacetime PM we ever had.


But popular? No, and couldn't care less.

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Polls? Thatcher never tried to be popular or consensual. She was divisive, strident and right.


I dont know how old you are but maybe you had to be around in 1979, when we couldnt bury the dead, the lights went out and we were the basket case of the developed world.


Those who voted her in tell the true story, more trade unionists voted for her than for Labour. Why? they new how corrupt and traitorous the union barons and their Labour party apologists were.


She sorted out the unions, the economy and the Russians. Ended dictatorship in Argentina, predicted the demise of the EU,


A truly brilliant woman and the best peacetime PM we ever had.


But popular? No, and couldn't care less.



we need someone like her now more than ever!

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Typical, introducing an aspect and then basing an argument on it.


None of the 6 lists in the link were about popularity. Others survey's mentioned in the article reference different attributes, popularity amongst them. The list one's base their result on (usually) academics opinion of :-


1st = Performance

2nd = Success

3rd = Best

4th = Implementation of policy

5th = Greatness

6th = Rank


You really should read the links..............

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