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Protesting outside conferences

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perhaps you should ask one.


It was saying on the radio, that fewer Tories want to appear on radio fours Question Time; I guess they are also embarressed at being a selfish individual.


I can ask on here better, have you been on radio/TV/demo to air your political views, and are you left or right?

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perhaps you should ask one. but from observation their ethos appears to be calm and reasoned debate rather than left wing thuggery.


Your absolutly spot on with that. From the experience I have with left wing politics in my youth. Whenever any left winger goes for office they reel off how many protests and marches they have been on as a badge of honour. Rather than actually looking for solutions or alternatives.

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Why do the left feel the need to go to other parties conferences and protest. The Labour Party are planning to protest outside the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. They also protested outside the UKIP one in Doncaster.


Now I'm not a fan of UKIP nor did I vote Conservative but the tories and UKIP never protest outside Labour conferences so why do Labour do it.


Its like Labour protesting about the tory government. We had an election. Labour didnt win. The public have spoken so instead of protesting and whinging they should put forward different policies.



Its just the usual trouble causing unions trying to hold people to ransom. Im glad the Government are taking actions to make it harder for these lefty , militant commies to cause disruption in this country.

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They have nothing better to do .


At least they're getting off their arses, & not getting all mardy arsed & passive/aggressive on an internet forum.

Good for them is what I say.

If you don't like what the Labour Party is doing, then you're free to go down to Brighton or where ever & make your voice heard.


We have few precious rights in this country. Protesting is one of them. Just.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 17:03 ----------


Your absolutly spot on with that. From the experience I have with left wing politics in my youth. Whenever any left winger goes for office they reel off how many protests and marches they have been on as a badge of honour. Rather than actually looking for solutions or alternatives.


No they don't. I can't remember that being an issue with past Labour leaders. In fact most recent Labour leaders were at pains to point out how subservient to authority they were. It was how tough they could be to Trade Unionists that was their badge of machismo.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 17:05 ----------


perhaps you should ask one. but from observation their ethos appears to be calm and reasoned debate rather than left wing thuggery.


Really? Quite a lot of rights that most of us hold dear were won by people and trade unionists protesting and making their voices heard. Such as female suffrage & workers having weekends.

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They were certainly a force for good in the early days, but those days are long gone.

They had so much power in the 60's and 70's it got stupid.


They still have a role in todays society, they're absolutely indispensable in the Teaching profession.


The rail workers union has got well out of hand though.

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