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Protesting outside conferences

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Its just the usual trouble causing unions trying to hold people to ransom. Im glad the Government are taking actions to make it harder for these lefty , militant commies to cause disruption in this country.


The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


and yet have enough left to travel to the conference just to cause a scene. how many meals must they have done without to afford that?

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


My bold - do you have a link to this?

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


i think " tens of thousands" was artistic licence unless they were counting all the shoppers in the arndale centre:hihi: lets face it this lot of socialist worker and unite rent-mob would protest at the opening of a crisp packet if it was a blue:roll:

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


A genuine question here, who are these other people who are not "Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble" that travel to Manchester for a Trades Union Conference protest march that's being addressed by Jeremy Corbyn on the day of the Conservative Conference?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market

How are people being held to ransom? I have some tales that would make your hair curl but they are businesses that have been destroyed by banks and I don't think that you mean those.


not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax..

Which businesses? Are they the same ones being held to ransom by bankers?

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?


When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


Were you there?


The rentamob over there was mainly SWP and unionists from what I saw. The professional trouble makers because for most of them it's about as near to real work as they ever get.

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