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Protesting outside conferences

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i think " tens of thousands" was artistic licence unless they were counting all the shoppers in the arndale centre:hihi: lets face it this lot of socialist worker and unite rent-mob would protest at the opening of a crisp packet if it was a blue:roll:


Police reckon it was 60,000 which is not an inconsiderable number by anyone's reckoning.


And I object strongly to the disrespectful use of the word 'scum' to describe them in this thread. They are people like you and me.

Edited by Anna B
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Police reckon it was 60,000 which is not an inconsiderable number by anyone's reckoning.


And I object strongly to the disrespectful use of the word 'scum' to describe them in this thread. They are people like you and me.


When you moderate your own language Anna people may take your requests a little more seriously.

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And I object strongly to the disrespectful use of the word 'scum' to describe them in this thread. They are people like you and me.


I was there too ;)


There were also banners from the unions of mid wives, physio therapists and many others.

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A genuine question here, who are these other people who are not "Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble" that travel to Manchester for a Trades Union Conference protest


Union members covers a lot of people, am I ruled out as being an ordinary person because I am a union member? Very little 'trouble' was caused.

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