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Protesting outside conferences

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And I object strongly to the disrespectful use of the word 'scum' to describe them in this thread. They are people like you and me.


Does that include the "Tory scum" being people like you and me?



What do you think of this sort of thing with a group of women on the main stage signing their little ditty "Do One You Tory Scum"



These are Corbyn's people.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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So just read the metro today and these total tools were throwing eggs at politicians and hurling abuse.


Perhaps they should have spent time more constructively engaging with voters that didnt vote them in last time. But that would require common sense that they clearly lack.


The metro is owned by dailymail and has an agenda.


One tory was egged, he could have organised his own egging. He was being provocative too. One tory was egged by a single egg.


At a protest, people protest. Thou doth protest too much about the protesting of the protesters. What do you expect them to do? Form an orderly queue and worship Fatcher?


Yesterday was a peaceful demonstration attended by many thousands of people.


Considering the Tories have waged ideological class war on the poorest and most vulnerable leading to thousands of needless deaths, many by suicide due to draconian benefit cuts and sanctions which have left hundreds of thousands destitute, for just one of them to be egged, and there being no proof of whodunnit. I think you can say the people who marched were a very peaceful bunch who exercised their legal right to protest. A group who had many things to be angry about.

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Were you there?


The rentamob over there was mainly SWP and unionists from what I saw. The professional trouble makers because for most of them it's about as near to real work as they ever get.


There were quite a few junior doctors there protesting against their proposed pay cut.

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He was being provocative too.


Stood there grinning in the street, imagine that. Nobody should have to resist that kind of intimidation and goading.


---------- Post added 05-10-2015 at 12:07 ----------


There were quite a few junior doctors there protesting against their proposed pay cut.


They aren't having their pay cut, they are actually having their pay increased. New contracts will limit the amount of unsocial overtime hours they work, which I am told is what people have wanted for decades.

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Why do the left feel the need to go to other parties conferences and protest. The Labour Party are planning to protest outside the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. They also protested outside the UKIP one in Doncaster.


Now I'm not a fan of UKIP nor did I vote Conservative but the tories and UKIP never protest outside Labour conferences so why do Labour do it.


Its like Labour protesting about the tory government. We had an election. Labour didnt win. The public have spoken so instead of protesting and whinging they should put forward different policies.


I remember Labour party conferences attracting protests when they were in office as well. Usually from anti Iraq war activists.


In fact I remember one chap who used to attend Labour's annual conference saying that the reason he preferred Manchester is that it's high security and they are cocooned off from outside at the conference venue.


Personally I'm not sure why any town would agree to the cost of hosting one of these conferences.

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They aren't having their pay cut, they are actually having their pay increased. New contracts will limit the amount of unsocial overtime hours they work, which I am told is what people have wanted for decades.


I think that you need to look again at the proposals. From one of those affected, here's a comment upon what'll happen to pay levels:



Under the new contract, the majority of trainees will see their pay cut by 15%-30%. A first-year doctor can earn as little as £22,636, less than an NHS housekeeper. Despite the government saying basic pay would increase, the removal of the banding supplement – which provides pay supplements based on an overall assessment of the length and unsocial timing of duties – will lead to a significant reduction in pay despite working more unsociable hours.


From the same link, here's a comment upon what'll happen to the hours that the junior doctors are going to work:


Under the new proposals, the contract will increase the number of hours (including antisocial hours) we are expected to work. It will impose standard working hours of 7am to 10pm Monday to Saturday, compared with the current 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday. Safeguards to prevent doctors working excessive and dangerous hours, which were introduced in 2004 to protect patients, will be lifted.


It's worth remembering that a contract for the junior doctors was agreed between the BMA and the government last year, but that agreement has been torn up without warning. The government has made an effort to show that the new contract isn't all bad, because if offers a 20 minute break for an 11 hour shift! :o

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The ITV news last night quoted 'tens of thousands' protesting. I hardly think all these will be Union members, militants or 'lefties' causing trouble. Much more likely to be desperate people who have seen their already small income slashed and are at their wits end as to how they are going to manage. You have no idea have you?

When it comes to holding people to ransom, I think the bankers have cornered that particular market, not to mention all those businesses threatening to throw their dummy out of the pram just because they might have to pay their fair share of tax. Yet I don't hear you complaining about that...


Saw a clip of this on the news . They can still afford their Iphones to video the protest thought. cant be that skint.

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