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Insane stupidty or something else?

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Its looking more an more like America destroyed the hospital killing aid workers and patients alike


The US have even said they 'may' have done it which basically is an admission of their guilt.

So, do the US keep doing things like this because the military is stupid? Incompetent? or is it just because they seem to like killing things and blowing stuff up?

RIP to the dead :(


Edited by Timeh
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Its looking more an more like America destroyed the hospital killing aid workers and patients alike


The US have even said they 'may' have done it which basically is an admission of their guilt.

So, do the US keep doing things like this because the military is stupid? Incompetent? or is it just because they seem to like killing things and blowing stuff up?

RIP to the dead :(



Always sad when civilians get killed, but all nations are guilty of it, not just the USA.

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Sure you provided the correct link?


They were killed by Ebola, not Obama, or a bomber


Ooops, no sorry i messed up. Hey , i could be in the American military lol Ill fix it now.


---------- Post added 03-10-2015 at 13:21 ----------


The correct link


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From the article:


MSF said it gave the coordinates of the hospital to Afghan and US forces several times to avoid being caught in crossfire.


"As MSF does in all conflict contexts, these precise locations were communicated to all parties on multiple occasions over the past months, including most recently on 29 September," according to MSF Afghanistan representatives.


Why don't the Yanks ever bomb their own towns and cities whenever a gunman start shooting the place up?


Genuine question.

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Its looking more an more like America destroyed the hospital killing aid workers and patients alike


The US have even said they 'may' have done it which basically is an admission of their guilt.

So, do the US keep doing things like this because the military is stupid? Incompetent? or is it just because they seem to like killing things and blowing stuff up?

RIP to the dead :(



Accidents happen, this is why so many countries will not take military action these days. You can kill 1,000 militants preparing to massacre innocent people, but if you accidentally kill a civilian or god forbid an innocent child, you are a monster to people like you.


At least the USA, like the UK will investigate and admit fault where appropriate, unlike the likes of Russia who will just deny everything in the face of evidence to the contrary.


If America is at fault, it not because they targeted this hospital. They do everything they can to mitigate civilian casualties. Can you say the same for these militants or the Assad regime?

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If America is at fault, it not because they targeted this hospital. They do everything they can to mitigate civilian casualties. Can you say the same for these militants or the Assad regime?


That's another topic entirely.


If America took every action possible to prevent civilian deaths, they wouldn't have invaded Iraq.

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America stands there and chastises the Russians for bombing the 'wrong terrorists' then a day later blows a hospital to pieces????


Inconvenient and the Russians will be laughing their heads off.


I cant get excited with little Timeh until he starts complaining and making threads condemning ISIS and Assad over their daily killing of civilians.


There are two thoeries at the moment as to why it happened.


1. It was a mistake and they hit the wrong target, which happens.


2. It was deliberate, there were Taliban hiding there and the rest were collateral damage. The pilot would be instructed by the Afghan forces on the ground as to what to target.


A mess nevertheless, but at least there will be an investigation.

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America stands there and chastises the Russians for bombing the 'wrong terrorists' then a day later blows a hospital to pieces????


Exactly, having the temerity to denounce Russia's involvement followed by this tragedy is extremely revealing of the state of global politics and the US' role in it.

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