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Yep ! Saddam and Assad men of compassion and understanding :hihi:


Didn't stop the US doing business with Saddam did it? = http://www.deepjournal.com/p/7/a/en/137.html


Why do the US/UK hate Assad of Syria? = http://www.rt.com/op-edge/syria-world-hate-message-604/


Let's see the US bully Russia now that he has got involved in Syria, all the yanks are moaning about is their US and Saudi funded/trained/armed rebels who are future Isis members getting bombed.


Syria has Massive oil and gas reserves too!

Edited by mafya
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It's almost as if Putin wrote the script.He must be in 7th heaven at the moment , knocking back double vodkas with is kgb mates no doubt.)



Frankly the afghans are their own worst enemies. We should just leave them

to fight their own interminable wars.


One day (in two hundred years from now) they might start to wonder why they are a thousand years behind the rest of the world but until they can recognise their own failings we should just exit the while region. Disallow any flights out.


the various "stans" to the north can put up their own wall (basically a mountain range!). But let Iran and Pakistan (who finance the various armies) deal with the lunatics they have created.









I wonder if the Afghan army was on the ground giving coordinates? what a dirty crap hole part of the world where you can't trust anyone



I believe earlier news report did state that Afghan army gave the coordinates and the police was the one that claimed that there were Taliban in the location.

Edited by johncocker
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Why don't the Yanks ever bomb their own towns and cities whenever a gunman start shooting the place up?


Economics. As they've already paid for a trigger happy police force it's cheaper to let them loose whenever there's a killin' and a shootin' to be done.


Plus the US military prefers to kill foreigners as they are not U.S. tax payers. Doesn't do to kill the hand that feeds your (tax wise).


Have you seen the size of the U.S. military budget? They need all the help they can get.

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America supply ISIS for crying out loud. Tell your gov to stop funding terrorists and then using said terrorists as an excuse for a land and oil grab.

Its disgusting!


---------- Post added 03-10-2015 at 20:46 ----------



We didnt liberate Kuwait. Do your research. We invaded a modern educated country with a rich history and a diverse people because their leader (the same leader America supplied poison gas to to kill Iranians and Kurds) decided to sell HIS countries oil in Euros, Not Dollars.

Dont even try to say it was for any other reason because you would be wrong, or lying im not sure which,.


Land grab ? :hihi: Hundreds of miles of smelly, worthless desert full of camel dung :hihi:


Oil? America don't need it. We have enough of our own and exporting it overseas also


Try harder


---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 06:16 ----------


Didn't stop the US doing business with Saddam did it? = http://www.deepjournal.com/p/7/a/en/137.html


Why do the US/UK hate Assad of Syria? = http://www.rt.com/op-edge/syria-world-hate-message-604/


Let's see the US bully Russia now that he has got involved in Syria, all the yanks are moaning about is their US and Saudi funded/trained/armed rebels who are future Isis members getting bombed.


Syria has Massive oil and gas reserves too!


It's quite ironic that you so easily assume that life in Iraq was just so bleddy wonderful under Saddam and that people in that part of the world need dictatorship.


Yet you left Pakistan, another dictatorship to move to a western democracy.

Why? Wasn't life in Pakistan just dishy ? :hihi:


You really are an amusing fellow at times :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Edited by Harleyman
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Land grab ? :hihi: Hundreds of miles of smelly, worthless desert full of camel dung :hihi:


Oil? America don't need it. We have enough of our own and exporting it overseas also


Try harder


---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 06:16 ----------



It's quite ironic that you so easily assume that life in Iraq was just so bleddy wonderful under Saddam and that people in that part of the world need dictatorship.


Yet you left Pakistan, another dictatorship to move to a western democracy.

Why? Wasn't life in Pakistan just dishy ? :hihi:


You really are an amusing fellow at times :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


I was born here Harleyman, I'm English! :hihi:

My Iraqi friend says life was better when Saddam was in power, he still has family in Iraq so knows the situation....

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Western democracy doesn't work in the East, some Muslim country's need dictators to keep order.

Nobody did anything at the time Saddam gassed the Kurds using US supplied gas did they?

Now that Saddam, Gaddaffi and the Taliban were removed did we see peace in those country's?

Like **** we did, the west needs to stop trying to impose its ways on different cultures and the west needs to stop arming and training so called rebels who are Isis anyway.

The US complains about Russia bombing rebels trained by them and then goes and bombs a hospital even after being given the coordinates and told it was a hospital, the hypocrasy is breathtaking.

We the west drop bombs in other country's yet moan when people from these same country's flee to the west to escape them, shouldn't we be welcoming them to our country's to experience freedom and western democracy?


I agree with your first points - must be a first! - but you then go on to type a complete non sequitor - in that we in the west shouldn't export our culture to the Muslim countries, but that it is fine for Muslims to bring their culture to our relatively peaceful shores? Do we need to dictate to them once they are here? Is that what you are saying?

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I agree with your first points - must be a first! - but you then go on to type a complete non sequitor - in that we in the west shouldn't export our culture to the Muslim countries, but that it is fine for Muslims to bring their culture to our relatively peaceful shores? Do we need to dictate to them once they are here? Is that what you are saying?


I used the word impose our ways as in how country's should be run and certain items of clothing are oppressive (burka),you know what I'm on about Ron.

We can't stop different cultures migrating, take McDonald's for example they are everywhere just the same as curry houses.. :)

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I used the word impose our ways as in how country's should be run and certain items of clothing are oppressive (burka),you know what I'm on about Ron.

We can't stop different cultures migrating, take McDonald's for example they are everywhere just the same as curry houses.. :)


I quote: "Western democracy doesn't work in the East, some Muslim countries need dictators to keep order."

Is that Muslim people that need dictating to, or just the rocks and sand?

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