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Missing Wedding Cards

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Has anyone ever had an issue with wedding cards going missing/stolen. We believe something like this has happened to us recently (still being investigated so I don't want to name the location yet).


Police have been contacted and discussions are ongoing with the venue.

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Can I ask where this happened?


I would normally ask via PM but haven't posted enough as of yet.


We only found out when the following morning when we opened the cards and noticed that there were a few missing. We didn't want to make a fuss because we knew that a few of the people saved hard to give us decent amount of money, my wife's nanna for example, so in front of the guests we kept quiet about it.


The venue wasn't too interested when we mentioned it, and we were really busy preparing for our honeymoon, which we were leaving on later that afternoon. We couldn't really work out what could be done about it, so we put it behind us and concentrated on enjoying our honeymoon.

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We're in the same situation really. We left a couple of days after our wedding for our honeymoon and the venue weren't too interested. Thankfully our parents continued whilst we were away.


It's not something we're willing to drop as it's around 12 cards with gifts that are missing.


I've been looking around for anything like this happening before but haven't found anything yet. Interestingly the wedding insurance company told us that they've had quite a few claims for this with the same venue involved!

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That's really awful! I hope you get something sorted.


Its many years since we got married and I never thought to check on something like this. I made a list and think we tied up gifts to people because I mentioned the actual gift in the thank you note. I know we asked people to give cards or gifts before or after the wedding rather than bring them on the day if possible. I wonder if this is why people are hiring those wedding post boxes now?


If there have been multiple claims for the venue it does sound like they could be to blame.

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