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Missing Street Trees.

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They may be lying, but until someone makes the effort to ask them what their detailed plans for replacement are, with regard to the OP's street in question, you are jumping the gun.


The "effort" has been made many times and answers have been unforthcoming. Numerous Freedom of Information Requests have been submitted!

Obfuscation, misinformation and downright lies have been used to avoid giving straight answers to direct questions.


So cgksheff...if there is nothing to hide why do you suppose this is so?


---------- Post added 05-10-2015 at 21:47 ----------


Does anyone know what is happening about the street trees that are being removed during the road repairs in Sheffield.


In the summer I watched many rather lovely cherry trees being cut down. At the time we were informed that replacement trees would be planted later in the year. However the holes from which the trees were removed were tarmaced over a couple of weeks ago, which seems a strange thing to do if they are about to plant new trees in the holes.


Go to the Olive Grove Road Depot and count the number of skips full of tree trunks, branches, etc that are all healthy.


Send an FOI request to Amey/SCC. They are duty bound to give you answers but don't necessarily expect it to be illuminating.

You could get lucky! Who knows...you may even win the lottery this week!

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Does anyone know what is happening about the street trees that are being removed during the road repairs in Sheffield.


In the summer I watched many rather lovely cherry trees being cut down. At the time we were informed that replacement trees would be planted later in the year. However the holes from which the trees were removed were tarmaced over a couple of weeks ago, which seems a strange thing to do if they are about to plant new trees in the holes.


On our road the replacements have been planted in different places. The old trees were at road junctions and close to the kerb. The replacements are away from the junctions (so better visibility for drivers and pedestrians) and some are set in a grassed area next to the pavement instead of on the pavement itself.


The SCC website makes it clear that planting is at a particular time of year (something like Nov to Mar, but I can't be bothered to check), and that the new trees are not necessarily in the same place as the old ones were. So it's no surprise that they might tarmac over where the old trees were.

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The "effort" has been made many times and answers have been unforthcoming. Numerous Freedom of Information Requests have been submitted!

Obfuscation, misinformation and downright lies have been used to avoid giving straight answers to direct questions.



I would suggest that if the OP contacted Amey/SCC and asked what specific plans were in place for the replacement of the trees felled on their street, they would be told.

I would expect that reply to include some reference to an optimal planting season, which we are only now approaching. Hence no replacement to date.


It is possible that there is no intention of replacing the felled trees in the same locations, which could explain the tarmac, or it could simply be more incompetence.


It is too soon to use this specific example as evidence of downright lies.


Has anyone accused Terry Fox of lying, to his face?

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They've been moved and replanted down Hillsbro, to accommodate Alcoblogs ever expanding tree Penguin population. There's one in my Avatar enjoying his new home.


Excellent wildlife photo there Mr.McWoods! :thumbsup:

I can only marvel at the magnifying power of your telephoto lens, taking the pic from up there in Glasgae. Have you bought an army surplus Hubble? :o

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I would suggest that if the OP contacted Amey/SCC and asked what specific plans were in place for the replacement of the trees felled on their street, they would be told.

I would expect that reply to include some reference to an optimal planting season, which we are only now approaching. Hence no replacement to date.


It is possible that there is no intention of replacing the felled trees in the same locations, which could explain the tarmac, or it could simply be more incompetence.


It is too soon to use this specific example as evidence of downright lies.


Has anyone accused Terry Fox of lying, to his face?


Tell me why you clipped that precise comment I made and omitted the rest!


Why did you choose to ignore my question?


So cgksheff...if there is nothing to hide why do you suppose this is so?

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The "effort" has been made many times and answers have been unforthcoming. Numerous Freedom of Information Requests have been submitted!

Obfuscation, misinformation and downright lies have been used to avoid giving straight answers to direct questions.




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The council failed to answer the latest FOI request to them about the tree felling/replanting programme:


And to make it worse, they say that any further FOI requests about the trees will be classed as vexatious so they'll refuse to answer them; frankly that sounds to me like they're dodging the question instead of usefully engaging with the protest.

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I think people will find a tiny uncared for sapling is no replacement for 100 year old tree. Amey are vandals and the council are paying them to vandalise our trees. Can we have the names of councillors responsible for this so we can vote them out next time we get the chance.

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The council failed to answer the latest FOI request to them about the tree felling/replanting programme:


And to make it worse, they say that any further FOI requests about the trees will be classed as vexatious so they'll refuse to answer them; frankly that sounds to me like they're dodging the question instead of usefully engaging with the protest.


Ahh. That old chestnut.


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2) If a public body refuses to release information, ask them to conduct an internal review. If the review finds in their favour, you can escalate it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who will then conduct an independent review. I recommend doing this. When public bodies refuse to release info, it’s often because they think the journalist will just go away. They’re betting that you have a deadline to meet and don’t have time to argue with them. Prove them wrong. If nothing else, you’ll make them think twice about denying requests on a whim.



If only we had one decent local journalist who could shed some light on what is going on....

Edited by Hesther
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