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Work , do you like your job

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I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Sometimes it is ok and it helps pay the bills....other times I could really scream! I was in at the beginning of the life of the company some 16 years ago. It served it's purpose because I only went in to "help out" on a very temporary basis. I was able to set my own working conditions which still stand today......working hours set around school times and family commitments.....including no work during the school hols. lol. I can still hold them to this today even though all my kids are grown up. I also used to work a lot from home so it was all very suitable. Now a-days despite still being able to do more or less what I want I don't take advantage of it. The job is boring but I do have the satisfaction of being treated with the respect deserved as being one of only three "original" employees left. I am classed as an "expert" and my opinions are valued which is quite something in this day and age.

The company went through a sticky patch a couple of years ago and voluntary rendundancies were called for. I applied and was turned down.......they even told me that if they let me go they would have to employ two people to replace me. I used this opportunity to cut my hours down to working just three days a week.....and they had no choice but to agree. At my age it just wouldn't be worth changing jobs.......that is assuming anybody would want me now anyhow. lol. My job is very hard on my hands and elbows and it is beginning to show! I am suffering from carpel tunnel syndrome mainly in my right hand and I was diagnosed a few years ago with a RSI in my right elbow where there is evidence of the joint actually crumbling.

You might all be wondering just what I do for a living? Well.....I repair/ re-furbish and supply the pumps that bring your beer to the bar so I am sure you will all want me to carry on with the good work. lol. None of you would believe just how much screwing/un-screwing is involved in this job......hence the knackered right arm. lol. I am going to shut up now before I evoke a whole load of screwing jokes. lol.

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After arriving in Australia in 1970, I have had a few jobs, Steelworker,Construction Worker & Coalminer, the best job was the one I had worked in for 13 years before getting injured in 2000 and being medically retired.

I worked in a juvenile prison & worked with muderers, rapist's etc etc, it was the best job I've ever had in my life, everyday was different & a challenge plus the money was good too, it kept me fit, as part of my job was to keep these juveniles in line & many times I had to put my body on the line to do just that & protect other prisoners & staff.

Unfortunately my back and shoulders decided they had taken too much of a battering over the years & gave in, hence Med Retirement.

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I love my job. I can do what I like, can go in when I chose and leave when I chose. Can have as long a lunch as I want and tell the boss to go and **** himself and not get the sack. Im a Company Secretary and the company I work for is my husband's!!!! Im one of the lucky ones and am eternally grateful. I used to be a legal secretary before though and I loved that job too. was the best job in the world. So interesting. miss it even. I :gag:

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nope i dont work for civil service, but life is hard enough as it is without the hassle of looking for a job, when most oftern its not the job but the people you work with that either make or break it


Nop, its the destination of where the job is gonna take someone which is going to break them because if someone got attitude i.e. in a positive way, nothing can break them. Ad if they had sense, they won't work for 40 years of their lives knowing very well, that what may break them is the pension.


Which means, no retirement cause it wont be enough to stay a float. That one worried me a lot.

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my job would be fine apart from the volunteers and the local community, but at least im looking for something else rather than complaining and not doing anything. I really miss my old job of working in a bar oh those carefree days:)

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Started work at 15 (1952) as an office boy at Davy United. Ended up, 50 years or so, late as an Senior Engineer working for a consulting engineering company in Canada.


I have to admit that my work varied from interesting to really interesting. Got to see quite a bit of the World along the way.


The best part of travelling, apart from the experiences, is you met a lot people that you other wise would never have met. Definitely a bonus.



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