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Hunt: tax credit cuts will make Britons work like Chinese or Americans

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John Major said pretty much the same thing as Parris in the wake of the surprise Conservative victory in 1992, that his party would govern for the whole country, not just those that voted Conservative. However it didn't stop Peter Lilley, John Redwood and co from castigating single mothers. Nor did Major's desire to rule for the whole country prevent the Tories from opting out of the social chapter, which incorporated a few worker's rights.


Same thing happening with this Government, for example with the controversial Social Security changes, which have been blamed on causing widespread hardship and even premature deaths.

Theresa May warned about being perceived as 'The Nasty Party', Hunt and Iain Duncan Smith are feeding into that.


Cameron has a similar problem, his majority is so low that he'd struggle to put down any Tory rebellion. So he has to pander to the right of his party whether or not he wants to.

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There is something to what he said. It's ridiculous that tax credits make people reluctant to do more hours at work because it would make them worse off. Instead of tax credits, just raise the personal allowance by about 4000-5000.


Instead of the ridiculous situation of taking people's money in tax, giving them some of it back and expecting them to be grateful for it.

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Cameron has a similar problem, his majority is so low that he'd struggle to put down any Tory rebellion. So he has to pander to the right of his party whether or not he wants to.


He also has to "pander" to the left of the party. And to the middle. In fact he has to pander to the whole party to stay on track.

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He also has to "pander" to the left of the party. And to the middle. In fact he has to pander to the whole party to stay on track.


I thought that he'd always described himself of being to the left/centre of his party, so I'd hardly call following your own polices pandering.

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There is something to what he said. It's ridiculous that tax credits make people reluctant to do more hours at work because it would make them worse off. Instead of tax credits, just raise the personal allowance by about 4000-5000.


Instead of the ridiculous situation of taking people's money in tax, giving them some of it back and expecting them to be grateful for it.


Never thought we'd agree on something! I absolutely agree that finding ways to remove reliance on tax credits is a good thing. They add red tape, costs and can make it harder for people to get access to them if needed. However, the current plan would remove a lot of money from people at the bottom of the pile, people who are working and on low wages. So find a way to switch from giving tax credits to just giving people more in the first place or by increasing personal thresholds or a combination.

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Your word pandering. That's why I used it. In quotes.


Correct I used it, I just think that it's incorrect to describe following your own policies as pandering.


I would however stand by my assertion that if you're forced to placate a wing of the party who's polices you do not follow due to fear of rebellion, then that can be correctly described as pandering.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Jeremy Hunt (Charterhouse and Oxford) is fourth cousin once removed from the queen, and one of the richest in a filthy rich cabinet of the toffiest toffs from Toffshire. Whilst he denigrates those on low incomes and tax credits, might he take a moment to do something about the crisis in the NHS, with junior doctors leaving in droves and senior doctors retiring as fast as they can. Hunt et al could not organise a party in a pig sty. They have more than four years left to destroy our NHS.

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It doesn't matter about me because I'm never going to work myself to death. I'm more concerned for the people who won't have the same choice.


In fairness to hunt, who I don't like at all he said work as hard as the Americans et al, not as long. I worked at and visited places but private and public sector where there's an awful of people doing sod all. Some people really put a shift in but an awful lot don't. That wasn't always the case was it?

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