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Toby Foster on Radio Sheffield

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The sports team on RS are first class. Seth Bennett and Paul Walker have all progressed to the national stage. The quality of their commentaries are equal to any Radio 5 live sports presenter. I don't think they receive enough accolades. I am sure that other local radio sports presenters do not possess the same professionalism.

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The sports team on RS are first class. Seth Bennett and Paul Walker have all progressed to the national stage. The quality of their commentaries are equal to any Radio 5 live sports presenter. I don't think they receive enough accolades. I am sure that other local radio sports presenters do not possess the same professionalism.


Agree 100% top quality.


Like I mentioned in an earlier post you don't realize how good we have until you listen to alternative service providers.

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The sports team on RS are first class. Seth Bennett and Paul Walker have all progressed to the national stage. The quality of their commentaries are equal to any Radio 5 live sports presenter. I don't think they receive enough accolades. I am sure that other local radio sports presenters do not possess the same professionalism.


I disagree, slightly.


I think Rob Staton is top quality, Andy Giddings is good and Jonathan Buchan is appalling. How Buchan ever got on radio with that dreadful voice I do not know, but worse still, the guy is basically not very bright. He comes out with something then someone challenges him and he backs down straight away and concedes the point, because he hadn't got the intelligence to think it through properly in the first place. One of the worst sports presenters that I've ever heard on any radio station - fact.


But credit to Staton and Giddings though who are both very good at their jobs and provide superb coverage for the whole region.

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Can Radio Sheffield presenters get any worse? As well as Foster and his sycophants, we have the woeful Vic McGlynn with her affected Yorkshire vowels (insulting to Sheffielders); "Clueless" with office bore Pressman and his sidekicks childishly putting on voices in an attempt to be funny.


Thank goodness for Rony and Paulette.

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Personally, I think a shake up from top to bottom of Radio Sheffield of both presenters AND management is in order. We like to listen to local news etc, but I can't stand some of its presenters and the poor dynamic that they bring. I love it when the school holidays are on, this means Fatty Foster isn't !

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It's definitely time for Paulette's Rewind to go into the radio dustbin.


Fair enough that they want to do a guess the year music feature, although it's not exactly the most original idea in radio. But it goes on for seemingly hours and hours every single day at the expense of any other content, even on weekends, and she plays the most achingly awful obscure novelty songs - even I don't manage to get all the way through an edition. Can't we have some classic hit songs we know and love instead?

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