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Sheffield local elections - May 2016

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I can, Paul Scriven is an excellent politician and he did no 'ruining them' at all, he ran his own campaign for central, which was and remains a very strong Labour seat and nearly ran Paul Blomfield out of his pre-made bed in 2010. The big issue is that people vote against whatever happens nationally instead of for real local policies.


I genuinely can not understand that Labour keeps getting voted in in Sheffield the way it is, the only good things that have happened here in the decade I have lived here have been the direct result of LibDem policies.


Anybody who thinks Julie Dore is the best this city can get is deluded or painted so Labour-red that it is impossible to change their mind.


I feel sorry for Penny Baker an excellent Lib Dem councillor who has had to leave the safe seat of Ecclesall to allow Scriven to take it.


Incidentally, the Lib Dems have never achieved anything in Sheffield and have only followed Labour policies when they have been in power.

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Is there any reason why "party lists" aren't being used here?

Because in the British electoral system you vote for individuals, not for parties (other than in Euro elections). The British electoral system priorities voters' choice of who to vote for over political parties' choice of who you should vote for.

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I feel sorry for Penny Baker an excellent Lib Dem councillor who has had to leave the safe seat of Ecclesall to allow Scriven to take it.

Your faux sympathy is noted. Poor Penny. Paul the pig.


Be honest. You don't feel anything except an opportunity to stir the pot. You are a hollow husk. You have no soul. You don't care about anything except power.


I feel sorry for Penny Baker an excellent Lib Dem councillor who has had to leave the safe seat of Ecclesall to allow Scriven to take it.

Is that the same mantra as Labour only followed Conservative policies when they have been in power?




You party political lot are so funny, yet so demoralising. For the party political tribal no marks it's either you're in our team or you are the spawn of the devil. Us normals look on and just feel let down by the pathetic display on offer so every election fewer of us bother to vote because it only encourages you.

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Your faux sympathy is noted. Poor Penny. Paul the pig.


Be honest. You don't feel anything except an opportunity to stir the pot. You are a hollow husk. You have no soul. You don't care about anything except power.


You have a strange view of local politics. I don't have any problems with individual Lib Dem councillors, Scriven being an exception, it's their policies with which I take issue - they don't have any.


Penny Baker lives down the road from me and is married to David who is another Lib Dem councillor and we get on very amicably and agree on more things than we disagree so for you to say my sympathy is false is quite hurtful. David and I work together on several local initiatives and it's likely that this will continue with Penny, should she be elected in May.

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I can, Paul Scriven is an excellent politician and he did no 'ruining them' at all, he ran his own campaign for central, which was and remains a very strong Labour seat and nearly ran Paul Blomfield out of his pre-made bed in 2010. The big issue is that people vote against whatever happens nationally instead of for real local policies.


I genuinely can not understand that Labour keeps getting voted in in Sheffield the way it is, the only good things that have happened here in the decade I have lived here have been the direct result of LibDem policies.


Anybody who thinks Julie Dore is the best this city can get is deluded or painted so Labour-red that it is impossible to change their mind.

he then went and lost his council seat and screwed a few decent lib dems with his fawning over Clegg if he had stood up to him then the lib dem may have had a better chance but hey ho he got a seat in the house of lords and now has pushed another 'collegue' out just so he come back quite why he took the seat in the lords when he is against peerages is another reason not to trust the charlatan.


by the way i dont thiink Julie dore is any good either


---------- Post added 11-03-2016 at 22:30 ----------


"If" - a conditional word designed to test cases.

so why post at all ?

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Chances are we'll get Labour again, to be fair they've not done a terrible job.


Streets Ahead is happening, stuff is happening on the long stalled city centre regeneration (well they've been on some nice holidays)


To be fair the centre of town is looking much better than it did a few years ago.


next joke please

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