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Sheffield local elections - May 2016

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15-all at last count ;)


However unlikely the prospect...I'd actually love to see what the greens could do for Sheffield, hand-in-hand intelligently with the LibDems.


Yup. This would be my perfect outcome. I am a Corbyn supporter, but our local labour council is appalling and needs reform. I'm almost welcome some UKIPpers if it meant a rocket up some backsides, but I'd prefer Greens and Lib Dems to take a good number of seats.

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Yup. This would be my perfect outcome. I am a Corbyn supporter, but our local labour council is appalling and needs reform. I'm almost welcome some UKIPpers if it meant a rocket up some backsides, but I'd prefer Greens and Lib Dems to take a good number of seats.


Well the Greens have been steadily picking up votes in recent years and are known for their hard work where they are elected. The more that continues, the more it puts the pressure on the other parties.

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I'm a life long Labour supporter and not because I'm brainless, just that I'm not heartless like the Conservatives and UKIP.


I doubt I could support them next year; I will probably vote Green where I can or otherwise abstain.


"Streets Ahead" mean our environment being vandalised and conservation areas being destroyed while a private company pay crap wages to their staff, dividends to their shareholders (from the theft of city assets) and stick two fingers up to the people of Sheffield. It's an unforgivable disgrace and not my idea of Labour values at all.


I seem to remember that Baron Scriven short listed Amey, remember him?


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That may be so, but unfortunately, there is a large number of people across Sheffield who feel that Labour has not held Amey to account and that yet again, they have not listened to people.


The last time I saw such widespread discontent across the city on a single issue was the St Lukes/Graves Park debacle which cost Labour dearly.


If Labour want to win overall control, they need to apologise to residents, finally listen to them, and try to resolve the problem of many upset residents before it's too late.

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Check your dates. Scriven had been in office for 5 weeks when he had to sign the contract that the previous administration had spent 5 years negotiating.

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Check your dates. Scriven had been in office for 5 weeks when he had to sign the contract that the previous administration had spent 5 years negotiating.


Check your dates

2008 – 2010 Liberal Democrats

2010 – 2011 No Overall Control

Julie Dore 2011 – present Labour

It seems that the LibDems had been in power since 2008

According to the Sheffied Star 20 July 2010

Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven said: "Choosing the best contractor to undertake this work is crucial and we have to make sure we get it right.


"The public has told us that improving the roads and pavements of Sheffield is a major priority for them. We have listened to this and the Streets Ahead project will bring major benefits.


"We want to see fewer potholes in our roads, better street lighting, better maintenance of highway trees and a reduction in trips and slips."


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I would like to vote Labour in support of Corbyn but this useless shower of tree choppers fail to impress. The Lib Dems make me feel faintly ill and UKIP and the Tories, seriously ill, so if there is a green candidate I will vote Green.

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