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Could Corbyn sue Cameron for slander after todays speech

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EXACTLY Hesther!!!! LOL.



To the dross...

Camoron is an abusive 'boar' and a threat to the security of this country. not Corbyn, who has been a decent man of principle all his life, and there are literally millions of people who will support him.

We have all been waiting for an honest man to turn up. to replace the self aggrandising demons like the nepotistic megalomaniac Thatcher, who employed and entertained paedophiles for over twenty years: War Criminal Blair who was responsible for the deaths of literally millions of innocents, just to get his seat on JP Morgan: the buffoon Boris who is an alleged sex pest who has illegitimately fathered a child, had three other mistresses, and his wife still took him back? And... five out of six voters say that would not put them off voting for him? Christ I'd love to know what he has in his pants... The coke snorting Gideon Osborne, tipped to be the NEXT Prime Minister??? and Camoron the pig <REMOVED> who it is obvious will do anything 'within reason' for power, lol, and has shown himself for what he is - a squealing porker who laughs at his own jokes. But what have the press made of all that? - - - - - a couple of lines on one day... then... the silence is deafening!

Camoron <REMOVED> a pig and it's a prank. Corbyn refuses to sing the national anthem, and he's a threat to national security? Get real all you numb skulls.....

The bent press is already ramping up the gears and will no doubt get the dogs baying to bring Corbyn down, just as they did Wedgewood Benn, Micheal Foot, and John Smith.

And you will get just what you deserve - another Thatcher.


One thing you should remember is that the louder the hogs squeal, the surer you can be that they are trying to cover something up. Like the fact that Corbyn is a Top Bloke.


Well said!


Whilst Jeremy Corbyn was trying to bring some form of peace to some of the most troubled parts of the world our Prime Minister was "alledgedly" placing private parts into the mouth of a pig and yet it is Corbyn suffering character assaination from the media.


Sums them up really!

Edited by nikki-red
masked swearing
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Well said!


Whilst Jeremy Corbyn was trying to bring some form of peace to some of the most troubled parts of the world our Prime Minister was "alledgedly" placing private parts into the mouth of a pig and yet it is Corbyn suffering character assaination from the media.


Sums them up really!


''Corbyn is suffering character assassination from the media.''


Of course he is because he not dishonest and is totally against everything the self seeking establishment stand for... and so am I.

We have been praying for an honest Politician... and when we get one...


If I live to be a hundred, I will never understand why the masses cheer their own pauperisation and chant nonsense about the usurious clique of pervert billionaire plutocrats having 'worked hard' for their wealth? (Doing a service

for 'pigs'?)


I had a good chuckle at this morning at this:


''John Oliver Mocks ‘Noted Swine Fellatio Enthusiast’ David Cameron''

The host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight couldn’t help but mock the British prime minister for allegedly performing a sex act with a pig.




It's snoutragous, but I loved it.

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this is not a country falling apart despite what some would desperately like to think


It's just not is it.

In all my life I've never once felt like I wasn't in a safe secure country. I've never really been scared that the nhs, the police, fire, council services wouldn't pull through if I really needed them.

I never feared my government would try and do wrong by me or that I should look to live abroad- weather and scenery reasons aside obviously- for a better life.


but some people aren't so lucky, even here. But even then I'm not sure the government is to blame...

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Corbyn doesnt have to suffer character assassination he has enough about him that makes him unelectable. He appeals to the poor and down trodden who may be a signficiant amount of people, but not enough to get elected.


Titanic I havent heard anything on the news about Corbyn reacting to what Cameron said. It would be very easy to defend in court. It doesnt have to mean what you said it meant.


Thanks for your special post catpus.

Edited by 999tigger
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Well said!


Whilst Jeremy Corbyn was trying to bring some form of peace to some of the most troubled parts of the world our Prime Minister was "alledgedly" placing private parts into the mouth of a pig and yet it is Corbyn suffering character assaination from the media.


Sums them up really!


So by your logic, the fact that one person made this allegation, which is denied by not only the subject but others who were there at the time, Cameron should be character assassinated by the media. I'm one person, I say Corbyn eats kittens for breakfast and is a secret member of the Klu Klux Klan. With this new allegation, lets hope the media get onto assassinating Cobyn some more because it must be true.


What is summed up here is your blinkered support for anything Labour. You have sung the praises of Blair, Brown and Miliband. All of which have either said Cobyn would be a bad leader or have stayed silent on the subject. You would follow Labour even if it were fronted by a pig in a red rosette.


I predicted it years ago. Labour are now dead. There is going to be a brain drain within the membership and an exodus of support by the electorate. We will see Labour MP's giving up their seats in droves come 2020 and there will be some defections away. We have already seen one Lord ditch Labour. Expect more.

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So by your logic, the fact that one person made this allegation, which is denied by not only the subject but others who were there at the time, Cameron should be character assassinated by the media. I'm one person, I say Corbyn eats kittens for breakfast and is a secret member of the Klu Klux Klan. With this new allegation, lets hope the media get onto assassinating Cobyn some more because it must be true.


What is summed up here is your blinkered support for anything Labour. You have sung the praises of Blair, Brown and Miliband. All of which have either said Cobyn would be a bad leader or have stayed silent on the subject. You would follow Labour even if it were fronted by a pig in a red rosette.


I predicted it years ago. Labour are now dead. There is going to be a brain drain within the membership and an exodus of support by the electorate. We will see Labour MP's giving up their seats in droves come 2020 and there will be some defections away. We have already seen one Lord ditch Labour. Expect more.


I watched the documentary on Lord Healey the other day (BBC - best PM Labour never had) worth a watch, it was interesting, but I noticed a lot of similarities to today.

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Have a watch of it. It was very interesting, a really well put together programme 999tiger. It is this one


A lot of it was about the left/right split in the 70s/80s.


I will try later, but assume it was about Michael Foot, militant tendency and the SDP? You sound more objective about these things. I'll have a look later, but it is bonkers how poor Labour are at choosing leaders and naive in their ideology.


If you arent in power you change very little.

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