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Could Corbyn sue Cameron for slander after todays speech

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Very interesting and thanks for posting this.


He's no more a Terrorist Sympathiser than I am and Cameron should hang his head in shame for those comments and be forced to apologise for them.


Unfortunately some idiots will actually believe the nonsense.


---------- Post added 07-10-2015 at 21:16 ----------


How could he sue when all that Cameron said was true! the guy is a traiter in the making


Read the link posted which details what he actually said and then come back and tell me this is true.

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Very interesting and thanks for posting this.


He's no more a Terrorist Sympathiser than I am and Cameron should hang his head in shame for those comments and be forced to apologise for them.


Unfortunately some idiots will actually believe the nonsense.


Arent you being incredibly naive? they are politicians. He was preaching to the converted, so its nothing they didnt already believe and its not as though anyone will change the way they vote.

If he had an actionable case then why doesnt he sue him? Corbyn has made himself an easy target and hes a very poor potential choice as leader if the aim of the Labour party is to get into government.


Cant say i think we should be holding talks with ISIS.

Edited by 999tigger
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I think we have far more to fear from a government that openly calls democratic opposition to them and their policies a threat to national security... and I say that as someone who couldn't give a monkeys about Corbyn.


This is the rhetoric of dictatorship, not democracy.


Have you noticed that despite their talk of smaller government, the Tories seem very keen to whittle away at the rights of the population to challenge the government? They have consistently attacked the right of citizens to take out a judicial review of government policy, removed legal aid that allows people to challenge the state at local and national levels, have gagged charities, are gagging trade unions and overriding local planning decisions if they don't fit with central government policy, e.g. over fracking.


Even people who voted for them should be worried about this, because they won't have their choice of party in government for ever, whatever Cameron thinks, and the boot will on the other foot at some point. This is bad for democracy, bad for citizens and only good for governments who want to squash dissent and exert control over the population.

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Just search for MR COrbyns friends - these include Sinn Fein, Hezbollah, he's had excursions paid for by banned terroist groups and proudly supports Hammas.




Similar to Galloway then with his support for terrorist groups like Hammas .

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Arent you being incredibly naive? they are politicians. He was preaching to the converted, so its nothing they didnt already believe and its not as though anyone will change the way they vote.

If he had an actionable case then why doesnt he sue him? Corbyn has made himself an easy target and hes a very poor potential choice as leader if the aim of the Labour party is to get into government.


Cant say i think we should be holding talks with ISIS.


I don't think he was preaching to the converted. Cameron is an intelligent and sensible person as were most of the people sitting in that hall. They know Corbyn doesn't hate Britain. They know there is no real evidence he supports terrorism. They may have some justified concerns, given their support for Trident, about Corbyn's own approach to our nuclear deterrent - fair enough on that. They will realise that it was all about politics.


Cameron's message was intended to go out on TV, he was talking directly to the camera. It was intended to portray Corbyn to the country as some kind of evil and dangerous bogeyman.

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I don't think he was preaching to the converted. Cameron is an intelligent and sensible person as were most of the people sitting in that hall. They know Corbyn doesn't hate Britain. They know there is no real evidence he supports terrorism. They may have some justified concerns, given their support for Trident, about Corbyn's own approach to our nuclear deterrent - fair enough on that. They will realise that it was all about politics.


Cameron's message was intended to go out on TV, he was talking directly to the camera. It was intended to portray Corbyn to the country as some kind of evil and dangerous bogeyman.


Exactly the same way that labourites in front of the camera portray every single tory MP or supporter as some rich, pompous, tax avoiding, non dom, landlord scum.


Its just a game. Tit for tat. Its nothing new.


Quick quip about the opposition for the amusement of their OWN party members. Same happens at the Labour / Lib Dem / Green and UKIP conferences.

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Exactly the same way that labourites in front of the camera portray every single tory MP or supporter as some rich, pompous, tax avoiding, non dom, landlord scum.


Its just a game. Tit for tat. Its nothing new.


Quick quip about the opposition for the amusement of their OWN party members. Same happens at the Labour / Lib Dem / Green and UKIP conferences.


Yep, you got it :|

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Some classic Guardianista frothing at the mouth in the 29 pages of comments on that article. The fact the left all make reference to Cameron's antics with a pig - unproven - in those comments has astonishing irony in the context of the article they are commenting upon.

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