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Could Corbyn sue Cameron for slander after todays speech

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I don't think he was preaching to the converted. Cameron is an intelligent and sensible person as were most of the people sitting in that hall. They know Corbyn doesn't hate Britain. They know there is no real evidence he supports terrorism. They may have some justified concerns, given their support for Trident, about Corbyn's own approach to our nuclear deterrent - fair enough on that. They will realise that it was all about politics.


Cameron's message was intended to go out on TV, he was talking directly to the camera. It was intended to portray Corbyn to the country as some kind of evil and dangerous bogeyman.


That would be why hes in a party conference then. Do they know corbyn doesnt hate britain though? from their point of view his politics are enough to convince them he is no good. I highly doubt all supporters are intelligent, many of them just follow without thinking. Ofc it was all about politics, thats why it was a political conference.


Whether he wants to talk to ISIS or not, theres plenty more about Corbyn that makes him unelectable. He has convictions, but they will be his downfall. I cant quite believe they were deluded enough to elect him. I said the same about Ed. Youd have thought the people who voted him in would have thought how vulnerable and contorversial he would be. Crazy Labour.

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From the BBC, the official response to Cameron's remarks:


In response, a spokesman for Mr Corbyn - who travelled to Manchester during the Conservative conference to address a protest rally - said: "The fact that David Cameron used his speech to make personal attacks on Jeremy Corbyn are a sure sign that he is rattled by the re-energisation of the Labour Party.


With cuts to tax credits and a continued failure on housing, his claim that the Conservatives are the party of working people is being exposed.


Absolutely no rebuttal of Cameron's claims, with the usual party line tacked on at the end. Doubtful Corbyn even said anything himself.

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That would be why hes in a party conference then. Do they know corbyn doesnt hate britain though? from their point of view his politics are enough to convince them he is no good. I highly doubt all supporters are intelligent, many of them just follow without thinking. Ofc it was all about politics, thats why it was a political conference.



Whether he wants to talk to ISIS or not, theres plenty more about Corbyn that makes him unelectable. He has convictions, but they will be his downfall. I cant quite believe they were deluded enough to elect him. I said the same about Ed. Youd have thought the people who voted him in would have thought how vulnerable and contorversial he would be. Crazy Labour.


We all know he won't get elected. He won't get that far.


The problem is that whether you think he's a bumbling old idiot or not he's forcing the Tories into debates they don't want to have. He also threatens to be a less than steadfast partner in the 'Yes' campaign to remain in the EU.


The Tories are confident they can win in 2020 whether Corbyn is there or not. They want him out the way before that and back on comfortable ground where their neoliberal and largely unquestioning New Labour stablemates would be much easier to deal with.

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.... he's forcing the Tories into debates they don't want to have. He also threatens to be a less than steadfast partner in the 'Yes' campaign to remain in the EU.


The Tories are confident they can win in 2020 whether Corbyn is there or not. They want him out the way before that and back on comfortable ground where their neoliberal and largely unquestioning New Labour stablemates would be much easier to deal with.


1. What are these debates that the Tories dont want to enter into? They dont need to debate with the opposition really because they have a majority. Labour are just about irrelevant at the moment. the only debate thats ever caused the Tories a problem is Europe and thats more to do with internal problems.


2. He will stay in the EU, he's just mumbled stuff about blank cheque. As hes not getting into power then its irrelevant what he thinks.


3. He has to get in the way first and hes behind the start line. He appeals to some traditional Labour voters thats it. He's a gift to the Conservatives. Crazy naive Labour supporters. Most of the MPs know it. Being called a terrorist sympathiser is the least of his worries.

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He supports the people doing it so as is often the case on here you are classed as a sympathiser and then become accused of being the same.


No he doesn't support them. He is prepared to talk to them to try and reach a solution, that's all.

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1. What are these debates that the Tories dont want to enter into? They dont need to debate with the opposition really because they have a majority. Labour are just about irrelevant at the moment. the only debate thats ever caused the Tories a problem is Europe and thats more to do with internal problems.


2. He will stay in the EU, he's just mumbled stuff about blank cheque. As hes not getting into power then its irrelevant what he thinks.


3. He has to get in the way first and hes behind the start line. He appeals to some traditional Labour voters thats it. He's a gift to the Conservatives. Crazy naive Labour supporters. Most of the MPs know it. Being called a terrorist sympathiser is the least of his worries.


They absolutely do need to debate. If they don't then it is bad for democracy in our country.


The debates: arms spending, EU, foreign intervention, austerity, jobs, the finance sector, the EU, Scotland, plans for growth, tax credits, tax, wages, housing....... there is a practically endless list


Cameron is hoping a bit of playground bullying will get Labour on the back foot and cloud any debate. As soon as any difficult subject rears its head they will immediately and repeatedly attack Corbyn using the same formula.


Pathetic really

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I've just been watching Camerons speech today in which he refers to Corbyn as "Terrorist sympathising" and it got me wondering whether MP's are allowed to sue each other if comments like that are untrue or if they have some sort of priveledges which prevents this.


I'm also curious to know the basis of this statement as it's a pretty odious statement about someone if untrue.


You popped up again Titantic? :)


Will you hang around for this one?

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1. What are these debates that the Tories dont want to enter into? They dont need to debate with the opposition really because they have a majority. Labour are just about irrelevant at the moment. the only debate thats ever caused the Tories a problem is Europe and thats more to do with internal problems.


2. He will stay in the EU, he's just mumbled stuff about blank cheque. As hes not getting into power then its irrelevant what he thinks.


3. He has to get in the way first and hes behind the start line. He appeals to some traditional Labour voters thats it. He's a gift to the Conservatives. Crazy naive Labour supporters. Most of the MPs know it. Being called a terrorist sympathiser is the least of his worries.


They are poverty deniers for a start. They refuse to acknowledge that their cuts have brought about hunger and misery for millions of people. Some of our services are now almost third world standard. The care system is in tatters, affecting the most vulnerable in society.

They also lie about the economy, claiming to have 'fixed' it, knowing that any growth is mainly down to an overheating housing market, and that it is a toxic mess and possibly about to crash again.

Meanwhile many of the richest have got even wealthier, thanks to tax cuts etc.

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They absolutely do need to debate. If they don't then it is bad for democracy in our country.


The debates: arms spending, EU, foreign intervention, austerity, jobs, the finance sector, the EU, Scotland, plans for growth, tax credits, tax, wages, housing....... there is a practically endless list


Cameron is hoping a bit of playground bullying will get Labour on the back foot and cloud any debate. As soon as any difficult subject rears its head they will immediately and repeatedly attack Corbyn using the same formula.


Pathetic really


Labour arent at the races. I dont think they are credible enough to be able to enter into serious debate as they are marginalised. They have 5 years till the next election. the economy is on the rise.


The only one is the EU, but hes already back tracked on that. Oh and maybe immigration but Labour are likely to allow more.


Austerity, then I dont think the majority (who it doesnt affect) are bothered. I dont see any wish for not renewing trident or having a strong defence policy.


As long as the economy keeps on the up then the majority arent bothered about taxes(they dont want increases) Labour wont be trusted with the economy.

Labour arent in power, arent going to get into power so a debate is all they can have and meanwhile the Tories will get on with running the country. They had a chance to debate any issue they liked at the election and the country rejected the Labour message. Vhoosing Corbyn might be radical but its an intellectual dead end that he wont be able to sell to the whole country or a majority.


As far as I can see people wnat to protect the economy as well as their jobs and the NHS.

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They are poverty deniers for a start. They refuse to acknowledge that their cuts have brought about hunger and misery for millions of people. Some of our services are now almost third world standard. The care system is in tatters, affecting the most vulnerable in society.

They also lie about the economy, claiming to have 'fixed' it, knowing that any growth is mainly down to an overheating housing market, and that it is a toxic mess and possibly about to crash again.

Meanwhile many of the richest have got even wealthier, thanks to tax cuts etc.


Bold: Have you been drinking? If not, start now :)


Rest of the post: Have you been drinking? If not, start now :)

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