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Ipad Mini 2 or Nexus 9?


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Right, I've narrowed it down to Nexus 9 and Ipad Mini 2. Both tablets would mean I'd spend bit more (around £200 on Amazon) but might aswell spend bit extra for that bit of quality!


Leaning more towards Mini 2 because few people have had Ipads and not encountered problems but as an Android user, tempted by the Nexus 9..


Any tips?

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It is a personal choice, but the iPad Mini would be a good purchase IMHO. We bought our iPad2 three years ago from John Lewis and it has never faltered. It's been used every day since purchase. However, the Nexus has good reviews so it really is down to which operating system you like. The iPad seems (to me) to be easier than Android. Again, personal opinion.

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Yeah personal opinion on OS is most important here. Both devices are great and work well.



I love both but only ever get a jailbreak-able device I found ios too locked down after being with android from 2007 in till iPhone 4s came out had that for a year ( a week or so stock then I jailbroke it ) then back onto android ever since

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