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Chemtrails over Sheffield

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You think this is normal?


Do you even know what "normal" is anymore?


Trying to cover up the sun? Well, they've got a way to go yet to even equal the average overcast UK day. And these chemtrails aren't permanent so they'd need thousands of planes working round the clock just to deal with a single Sheffield post code.


Population reduction? Given that the chemtrail conspiracy is around 19 years old [LINK] during which time the population has increased by 1.4 billion [LINK] I'd say that they reaally need to go back to the drawing board.


Typical public sector incompetence.

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So they secretly sprayed large areas of SE England with chemicals dropped from planes in the past.....


Cadmium released from 44 long range trials for which data are available, and extrapolated to a total of 76 trials to allow for trials with incomplete information, is about 1.2% of the estimated total release of Cd into the atmosphere over the same period.


The estimated 1.5 tonnes total Cd dissemination by the Ministry of Defence compares with an estimated 15 tonnes Cd released into the atmosphere from United Kingdom industry annually. Thus, the United Kingdom trials increased the atmospheric Cd load by about 1.2%





Were they trying to block out the sun back then too? Or reduce the population? Epic fail on both counts if they were.

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The government have a stronger track record in experimenting on people in a more reliable way, like releasing bacteria on the tube.


Of course they would never do that today.


The reason chemtrail "theory" is implausible, is that it's desperately impractical. If you want to spray people from an aircraft effectively, it has to be done from very low alititude, like this crop duster - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_application#/media/File:Crop_Duster.jpg


But contrails, and air traffic in general, certainly have effects on weather, and maybe even climate.

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