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Chemtrails over Sheffield

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So they secretly sprayed large areas of SE England with chemicals dropped from planes in the past.....but they would never do it today.


Google Porton Down spraying.


Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.






Jetman is on a one man chem-terrorism mission!...

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The reason chemtrail "theory" is implausible, is that it's desperately impractical. If you want to spray people from an aircraft effectively, it has to be done from very low alititude, like this crop duster - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_application#/media/File:Crop_Duster.jpg


But contrails, and air traffic in general, certainly have effects on weather, and maybe even climate.


So what you're saying is they spray over Sheffield but it ends up landing in Hull???


I'm starting to believe in it all now, something ain't right with people from Hull!

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  • 4 years later...

Has anyone noticed how much more rational, intelligent and sane people are now that the chemtrails have disappeared?


I had my doubts about the use of chemicals in contrails to dumb down the population but now I'm convinced that it's true.


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7 hours ago, max said:

Has anyone noticed how much more rational, intelligent and sane people are now that the chemtrails have disappeared?


I had my doubts about the use of chemicals in contrails to dumb down the population but now I'm convinced that it's true.


It could be the chemtrails. On the other hand, it could just be the bleach that everyone is injecting.

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11 hours ago, max said:

Has anyone noticed how much more rational, intelligent and sane people are now that the chemtrails have disappeared?


I had my doubts about the use of chemicals in contrails to dumb down the population but now I'm convinced that it's true.


Nope, still stupid conspiracy theories abound, now its all 5g , bill gates, vaccines and corona virus related

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7 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Nope, still stupid conspiracy theories abound, now its all 5g , bill gates, vaccines and corona virus related

Todays conspiracy theorists aren't a patch on the old ones 😎


Edited by Longcol
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6 hours ago, Lockjaw said:

Still my favourite!

It's a corker. I looked up my response to his ''So we can conclude that...'', which was  - ''Yes, as long as you don't mind looking crassly stupid in front of thousands of people.''

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