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and don't blame people with 12 kids and a working partner taking advantage of their policies :hihi::hihi::hihi:



If you read Ron's very first post on this thread you'll see he doesn't..


What kind of a social security system allows this to happen?



I don't blame the woman for scrounging every penny she can, but this kind of lifestyle should not be possible at the expense of hardworking taxpayers.

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I'm going with not then, because you've said yourself that you can't prove it.


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 12:47 ----------



So it's all just a big conspiracy to misrepresent the facts, despite the fact that the government are doing all they can to spin benefits claimants of all kinds as stealing scum...


You'll excuse me for not being that gullible.


So you don't think they exist at all. I'm still sceptical. If it's really not the case another study will back it up over time or dispute it. Given the world we live in and the fact the Tories are in charge this issue isn't going to go away so I doubt this is the last word on it. I would say that there certainly three generations in some families who haven't worked for years. The daily mail will always track that lot down to annoy their own readership. But no matter what cuts are made, those families will still exist and play the system.


In some respects you maybe right. 30 odd years ago I'd guess benefits weren't as generous (you had about 3 choices then - unemployment, income support, sick not a choice of top ups) . The jobcentre certainly tried to get you work and there were was more unskilled work.

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If it were a fact then you'd find it easy to prove so.


It looks much more like unsubstantiated rumour to me.


Facts aren't always easy to prove, I can state something as fact if I witness it, but proving to you what I witnessed could be easy, difficult, or impossible.


An example could be that I know someone in my family that is committing benefit fraud, but just because I know they are committing fraud doesn't mean it can be proven.

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If you want to see evidence of people deliberately restricting their hours, even giving up jobs, to maximise their claim capability then there are places on the internet where it is openly admitted to. Mumsnet (or is it netmums) had discussions around tax credits when I last looked a few months ago.


Ron is correct that it happens. No need for his anecdotals.

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If you want to see evidence of people deliberately restricting their hours, even giving up jobs, to maximise their claim capability then there are places on the internet where it is openly admitted to. Mumsnet (or is it netmums) had discussions around tax credits when I last looked a few months ago.


Ron is correct that it happens. No need for his anecdotals.


Thank you for this. :love:


I often only really believe what I see, hear and experience myself. Despite people telling me it's not true, because the Grauniad says it cant be!


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 18:12 ----------


Hang on a sec... were we talking about me and Mrs Jeremy? :hihi:

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