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Taxpayer support

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Ron is correct that it happens. No need for his anecdotals.


I have a friend who is a single Mum, who works 16 contracted hours a week at Tesco. She has come into financial difficulty in the past, when she's picked up extra hours only to find that her tax credits were reduced as she was working more and thus being paid more. Fair enough, but the reduction in tax credits etc was far more than the money that she actually earned; something like £300 less in a month in benefits for earning an extra 70 odd quid.


It's quite clear there is an optimum hours/earnings point where the amount of tax credits is the highest for the hours worked, and working more hours means losing more money in benefits (free school meals, prescriptions, housing, council tax, tax credits etc) than you actually earn working. It's certainly not a linear scale and does nothing to encourage people to work more hours.


I'm not sure how UC changes things; for the better hopefully.

Edited by the_bloke
Updated for clarity
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Thank you for this. :love:


I often only really believe what I see, hear and experience myself. Despite people telling me it's not true, because the Grauniad says it cant be!


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 18:12 ----------


Hang on a sec... were we talking about me and Mrs Jeremy? :hihi:


We don't often agree but I try to be fair. You're taking rather unnecessary and unfair stick over something that is easy to confirm.

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Social security needs to be contribution based. Kids leaving school jobless shouldn't get a penny, it is their parents responsibility to raise them to be employable.


I disagree - there needs to be a safety net. Some children have hopeless, useless feckless parents. Some are drunks. Some are all but orphans. In an ideal world parents should be responsible - but they aren't.

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Social security needs to be contribution based. Kids leaving school jobless shouldn't get a penny, it is their parents responsibility to raise them to be employable.


And when they go out and steal to survive, build more prisons?

Despite the fact that putting someone in prison costs far more than giving them enough money to survive...


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 19:59 ----------


If you want to see evidence of people deliberately restricting their hours, even giving up jobs, to maximise their claim capability then there are places on the internet where it is openly admitted to. Mumsnet (or is it netmums) had discussions around tax credits when I last looked a few months ago.


Ron is correct that it happens. No need for his anecdotals.


I want to see evidence of families with 3 generations that have never worked.

That's what he's claiming is a fact.


With regards to optimising income, benefits (in work or out of work) should never be cut by MORE than extra work earns. Meaning the marginal tax rate should always be considerably less than 100%, which means that working more should always pay. (This isn't the case, but it should be).

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And when they go out and steal to survive, build more prisons?

Despite the fact that putting someone in prison costs far more than giving them enough money to survive...


Indeed - Social security (up to an amount) is the price net taxpayers pay for a certain reduction in crime.


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 20:03 ----------


And when they go out and steal to survive, build more prisons?

Despite the fact that putting someone in prison costs far more than giving them enough money to survive...


---------- Post added 15-10-2015 at 19:59 ----------



I want to see evidence of families with 3 generations that have never worked.

That's what he's claiming is a fact.


With regards to optimising income, benefits (in work or out of work) should never be cut by MORE than extra work earns. Meaning the marginal tax rate should always be considerably less than 100%, which means that working more should always pay. (This isn't the case, but it should be).


I've told you I can't prove it to you, but it is true. I do know of families like this.

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