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Taxpayer support

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FWIW Ron we may have our eyes on different ways of achieving things and different views on the ultimate goal but I think we both agree that tax credits as they stand now can't be part of the game.


They have to go. If they continue as is they will become part of the furniture for future generations.


Tax credits along with housing benefits supporting millions of families is just wrong.

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FWIW Ron we may have our eyes on different ways of achieving things and different views on the ultimate goal but I think we both agree that tax credits as they stand now can't be part of the game.


They have to go. If they continue as is they will become part of the furniture for future generations.


Tax credits along with housing benefits supporting millions of families is just wrong.


I agree. This is indeed rare.

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So Jeremy Corbyn didn't have a 'dig' at the woman on Question Time, as you claimed.


You quoted my entire post yet only focus on that? Nice tunnel vision skills.


Yes, he did have a dig; his post was about how Tory voters were 'misled', which means to have an error of thought or judgement - in other words, he thinks Tory voters didn't understand what they were voting for, from his position of moral and intellectual superiority (!) which is the typical left wing approach of treating the electorate as too stupid to make their own decisions. Juxtaposing the reference of the woman on question time with his thoughts about Tory voters clearly shows he includes her in his viewpoint.


Unless you think different?

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Tax credits along with housing benefits supporting millions of families is just wrong.


Some need those benefits, but even if we agreed that they are wrong; is it right that the Government are to lower a families income by 10% in one year?


There has been riots in the streets over a few hundred pounds, and Prime Ministers kicked out .

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FWIW Ron we may have our eyes on different ways of achieving things and different views on the ultimate goal but I think we both agree that tax credits as they stand now can't be part of the game.


They have to go. If they continue as is they will become part of the furniture for future generations.


Tax credits along with housing benefits supporting millions of families is just wrong.


I agree.


The Tories in the cabinet haven't learnt their lesson from the Poll Tax. And I'd like you to explain how you could abolish Housing Benefit without putting millions of pensioners out on to the street.


"Tory MPs including Boris Johnson have made known their concerns. Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage, who won a majority of 4,955 at the general election but has 5,900 families with children in his constituency who claim tax credits, said he believed the prime minister would now recognise the need for a rethink".



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Some need those benefits, but even if we agreed that they are wrong; is it right that the Government are to lower a families income by 10% in one year?


There has been riots in the streets over a few hundred pounds, and Prime Ministers kicked out .


This is where me and Ron differ radically (I think)


I see unwinding these benefits and tapering them as a multi-parliament project (perhaps lasting a decade) requiring political consensus. I don't want people to lose a huge chunk of their income overnight in April. That is wrong.


Labour is right to oppose the changes in April but I'm hugely disappointed with McDonnell's pledge to reverse any changes if Labour gain power.


Tax credits are wrong. It's an insane system


---------- Post added 18-10-2015 at 21:50 ----------


The Tories in the cabinet haven't learnt their lesson from the Poll Tax. And I'd like you to explain how you could abolish Housing Benefit without putting millions of pensioners out on to the street.


"Tory MPs including Boris Johnson have made known their concerns. Stephen McPartland, the MP for Stevenage, who won a majority of 4,955 at the general election but has 5,900 families with children in his constituency who claim tax credits, said he believed the prime minister would now recognise the need for a rethink".




I agree. The cuts are being made too quickly and too deeply. It's the bedroom tax all over again.


As for housing benefit that's going to take years to sort out so I'd never argue for just abolishing it. We need to start with building more affordable homes.

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Tax credits are wrong. It's an insane system.


They were brought in because some people perceive that people who do not work are better off.


So why not give workers a boost, we could afford it. I pay a little tax, but did get more back in tax credits.

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So why not give workers a boost, we could afford it. I pay a little tax, but did get more back in tax credits.


Why should you get a tax payer funded boost? If you take the easy option when you leave school and end up in unskilled, low paid jobs then why should the people who didn't take that option when they left school pay for it?

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