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Taxpayer support

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I employ people who want to be on ZHCs. I employ people who want to be part time. I employ people who want to be full time. Each job suits me, first and foremost, I'm not a charity (although I feel like it sometimes) and it suits the employee too - or they wouldn't take it.

I've had employees who work for me, earning 26k pa told by a benefits advisor, to pack in work because they would be better off. It is absolutely mental.

My employees tend to hang around for some reason - perhaps it's cause I pay well, perhaps it's some other reason.


I'm sorry, as an employer, do you think I should be forcing someone on a part time contract, to work a 40 hr week against their will? How would I do this? Your supposition is mental. :loopy:


---------- Post added 14-10-2015 at 22:19 ----------


This scam as you call it, brought in by the Labour lot, you think is a plot by Labour and businesses to scam everyone else? You're seriously paranoid? or just anti business?

Anyway, the Tories are doing something about it - with objections from the nutty leftie brigade. The sooner the better.

you got any evidence your employees would be better off on the dole than earning 26 k ?(or is it something you made up ):hihi: im not asking you to force anyone to work a 40 hour week ron instead have a few employees on part time hours who can claim working tax credits (you getting it yet :roll:)and yes you got it right the tories are doing something about it as usual making the low paid even worse off . I blame thatcher :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I cant give you hard data of my employees. But it's true. Take it or leave it.

My view of statistics, government or not, is the same as Disraeli's view of statistics. I use my own experience of life. My own observations. I keep my eyes open.


I pay comparatively well. My employees tend to stay with me. As my businesses expand, I ask if some want to expand their hours, and I take on new workers. Some expand their hours, others say they will lose benefits.


There are plenty of people who stay on the sick a their career. It is a huge problem, especially in Sheffield. I also feel very sorry for them, living a useless, valueless depressing life at home all day with no responsibility, relying on their "entitlements".


I do get where you are coming from, but im used to assessing evidence and have to sift out hearsay and things that dont hold water. Statistics give you hard data, which if sensibly used are highly valuable. Annecdotal evidence is subjective and has diffiulty reflecting anything other than a partial, inaccurate and misleading picture. If you wnat to be taken seriously then add more substance to your claims.


Saying you will lose benefits is more about structural problems in the way benefits are delivered and penalised rather than levels.

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There was a very good article in the Observer (Compiled from research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Full Fact; National Institute of Economic and Social Research) which tries to separate the myths from the realities about people on Social Security benefits. Certainly worth a read:



EDIT: Obviously this post can be ignored by Ron Jeremy, as he takes discards statistics preferring his own opinions.

Edited by Mister M
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Don't blame employers for taking advantage of a system created by government , blame the government for creating the system. The rise in part time work, zero hours contracts, in work benefits, and low pay are the consequence of government policies over the past few decades.

and don't blame people with 12 kids and a working partner taking advantage of their policies :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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and don't blame people with 12 kids and a working partner taking advantage of their policies :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Exactly the point.


It is human nature to make the best of advantages presented to you.


If you are a multi-millionaire who can employ the best tax accountants to acheive the most tax efficient position for yourself you will follow their advice


If you are parents of a large family and you calculate an optimum work/claim balance that achieves the best outcome for your family you will make the best of it


Both are exactly the same behaviour pattern.


Both IMO lack virtue but I totally understand the motivations


The truth is that there are unhealthy (for society) incentives at the top and bottom of the system.

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There was a very good article in the Observer (Compiled from research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Full Fact; National Institute of Economic and Social Research) which tries to separate the myths from the realities about people on Social Security benefits. Certainly worth a read:



EDIT: Obviously this post can be ignored by Ron Jeremy, as he takes discards statistics preferring his own opinions.



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Good Mr M will read it. Have bookmarked it.


Ricgem back to the OP then the woman with 12 kids id say was irresponsible, so yes I would blame her as having children being an option just to get more money.


---------- Post added 14-10-2015 at 22:55 ----------


Limited annecdotal*Experiences


You never found out whi that adviser was and whether it was true.

You never looked into the actual figures.

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you got any evidence your employees would be better off on the dole than earning 26 k ?(or is it something you made up ):hihi: im not asking you to force anyone to work a 40 hour week ron instead have a few employees on part time hours who can claim working tax credits (you getting it yet :roll:)and yes you got it right the tories are doing something about it as usual making the low paid even worse off . I blame thatcher :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


No - I have no evidence. I was told it by my employee. I have no reason to doubt him.

The tories are increasing the NMW to a living wage. It doesn't affect 98% of my employees directly.

I don't get it yet - no not at all. Why is it my fault, or employers in general, they claim further benefits? It makes it difficult for me to persuade my employees to do extra work. They lose benefits, its not worth the extra effort for very little more money.

Job shares in some jobs suit me - so there is always someone doing that job especially when the other one is on holiday. It suits the employees also.


---------- Post added 14-10-2015 at 23:06 ----------


Good Mr M will read it. Have bookmarked it.


Ricgem back to the OP then the woman with 12 kids id say was irresponsible, so yes I would blame her as having children being an option just to get more money.


---------- Post added 14-10-2015 at 22:55 ----------



You never found out whi that adviser was and whether it was true.

You never looked into the actual figures.


My experiences are my experiences. I form my opinions from them and from other data. Of course I didn't look into, why would I? If the person wanted to stay, which suited me, and he did, then fine, if the person left me, then fine, I'd get someone else and train them and iron out their creases.

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There was a very good article in the Observer (Compiled from research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Full Fact; National Institute of Economic and Social Research) which tries to separate the myths from the realities about people on Social Security benefits. Certainly worth a read:



EDIT: Obviously this post can be ignored by Ron Jeremy, as he takes discards statistics preferring his own opinions.


I've read it, I just can't help but think it's every so slightly tilted. "Just couldn't find households with 3 generations who hadn't worked". How hard did they look?


That said there was some interesting data. Wish newspapers had more articles like that.

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I've read it, I just can't help but think it's every so slightly tilted. "Just couldn't find households with 3 generations who hadn't worked". How hard did they look?


That said there was some interesting data. Wish newspapers had more articles like that.


There are plenty of those in and around Sheffield. Just have a walk round firth park. There's plenty. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty plenty plenty of decent hardworking people there, but there are plenty of others who rely on their generous benefits... generationally.

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