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Electric bike STOLEN

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My electric bike was stolen last night 15th October from Millsands in the City centre.

This bike was securely locked with a decent lock.

The bike is an EBCO in black.

There was just enough charge on it to get me home around 4 miles so I've no doubt the power has since gone and I have the charger at home.

This bike is incredibally hard to ride without electric assistance so may go on sale on the usuall sites without a charger.

Please email me at paultansley59@yahoo.co.uk if you have any sightings or know the whereabouts of the bike.

I have reported this to the police and will let the usuall bike shops know in case.



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I fancy an electric bike... How much do you think they want for it? ;)


On a serious note though: A lot of these are getting nicked in the Netherlands and trucked straight down to Eastern Europe. Kf you are thinking of replacing it, consider a tracking system, the Dutch police regularly organises interpol raids that retrieve a fair number of these.

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Was the cycle parked in a public place? Was there likely to be CCTV coverage of it? If so, you can request a copy of the CCTV tape under The Freedom Of Information Act and then submit the evidence to the police. Make sure that you retain your receipt for the bike.

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No CCTV footage i'm afraid it was locked to a bike shelter in the City Centre my place of work,, I'm not buying another one to be honest it would have needed a charger and the bike need a good service as there not cheap on repairs and the battery needed replacing so if anyone has bought it cheap then get ready for an expensive service and part replacement

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