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Worst bar in sheffield


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whoa there people. i feel partly responsible for this escalation.


i'd like to clarify that the point i was making applied specifically to bars (ie not pubs although i accept that there's a bit of crossover in these terms sometimes). and i wasn't alluding to any sort of class divide either- that's just a stupid an inaccurate division to draw.


there's nothing wrong with being upmarket per se, but sheffield bars seem to have difficulty in not undertsanding upmarket as 'poncey' or 'pretentious'.


equally there's nothing wrong with cheap or down to earth, but all too often in the city centre this seems to translate as a tacky f***ing zoo.


sadly i really DO feel its possible to generalise in this way about sheffield city centre bar culture because largely speaking (with very rare exceptions) this sums up my experience- poncey or tacky.

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full of chavs??? hmm interesting cos ive been goin out in sheff for TIME and ive never seen any viky pollards except in kingdom of course but its still fun!! but i totally agree about the div street wannabes- they are really neeky office geeks whose parents paid for them to have piano lessons!! then they got to uni and thought ''hang on we have the money to dress like hugh grant'' so all ganged up together and sit in forum and talk about what private school they want to send their future kids to.:)


You really have a chip on your shoulder about peoples "social position" dont you?

This stems from your own insecurities about your social standing. You feel people look down on you dont you? You get angry and frutrated with those you wrongly feel threatened by dont you?

I once ate a mans liver washed down by a nice Chianti

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Has that chip still not fell off your shoulder yet?


I think everyone is tired of hearing your "hugh grant, broadsheet reading, toffy nosed wannabe, red wine drinking ..........." mantra by now.


Maybe when you start earning a decent salary, you could start being a little more selective in life.


(sorry mod's but i think i speak for most people here - she's constantly slating anyone who isn't considered working class!)




Unisol...shouldnt that be anusol given the amount of shoit that you spout mate? I love your generalisations, like "everyone is tired...." blah blah, balls...how dya know how other people feel?


I reckon your some mummy/daddy's boy/girl who wears stone island or kookai ****, goes out wit geezas called Will or birds called Emily and drives daddy's Z4 at weekends,,,,now theres a generalisation for ya....am I right or totally wrong wit that opinion?:hihi:

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It is also full of the fittest women on a weekend out of all of the bars in Sheffield that I have been in. I will admit that you get some tossers going there, but the eye-candy makes up for it.


I may be 'politically incorrect' but I have to 100% agree with you, the chicks are beautiful in there........

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Bar Max and the one across the road from it, only been once to both of them and that was more than enough.


I quite like City Bar (or the corner house, or henrys' or whatever it's called at the moment). I don't drink cocktails, but they do decentish shooters (althought he respective volumes of the two liqueres was suspect sometimes) it's not packed and it's not so loud you can't talk.

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A big Thank You to all contributors to this thread.


You've reminded me - not that I needed reminding - that I am missing absolutely nothing by not becoming part of the cattle ranch that is 'City Centre Drinking'. The only time I drink in town is during the day when you can get served without getting your ribcage crushed and without the need for 15 year olds to get lairy after one too many Woodpeckers just because you happened to rub your sleeve on their pint pot. I drink in town around once a month.


Much better the local pubs where the older clientel still remember at least a few manners, you can talk without losing your voice and there's no industrial clattering and banging in the background (what youngsters term as 'music' I believe).


Thank you John Higginbottom for West 10.

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Much better the local pubs where the older clientel still remember at least a few manners, you can talk without losing your voice and there's no industrial clattering and banging in the background (what youngsters term as 'music' I believe).


personally, i think the red lion on charles street fits your bill perfectly. everything youve described for a local pub, but slap bang in town.


its a lovely pub- mind you, i would say that- i work there! lol




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