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Israel flares up again

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Funny how it's not really been mentioned before, because so many people were rushing to the defence of the Palestinians during the last short war.


Now they've taken to stabbing random strangers in the street and torching Jewish holy sites.


All this because the Palestinians don't want the Jews to have more access to a shared holy site :roll::roll::roll::roll:

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Funny how it's not really been mentioned before, because so many people were rushing to the defence of the Palestinians during the last short war.


Now they've taken to stabbing random strangers in the street and torching Jewish holy sites.


All this because the Palestinians don't want the Jews to have more access to a shared holy site :roll::roll::roll::roll:


Yep, the world would be in uproar if Israel had set fire to a Muslim holy site/temple.

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It's not even over some great plan or military deployment, there's a rumour going round that the Jews want to prey at Temple Mount and the Palestinians have gone ape-sh*t.


Currently the Jews do a half decent job of sharing the holiest site in their religion with the Muslims - can you imagine to Muslims sharing Mecca with anybody???

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It's not even over some great plan or military deployment, there's a rumour going round that the Jews want to prey at Temple Mount and the Palestinians have gone ape-sh*t.


Currently the Jews do a half decent job of sharing the holiest site in their religion with the Muslims - can you imagine to Muslims sharing Mecca with anybody???


Precisely. Don't forget the numerous attacks on the church in Bethlehem on the site where Jesus was supposedly born. Normally around Christmas. It's provocation so that when their much stronger and equipped neighbour reacts they can go running to the world crying that Israel is evil.


The Palestinian military do not care about the Palestinian people, if they did, they wouldn't put rocket launchers on hospitals or in the grounds of schools.

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I wish that Israel would just take over all of Palestine. They wouldnt' be hated any more by the left than they are now anyway, and the people there would be much better off than they currently are under Hamas rule. Israel is the only free country in the middle-east, anyone that truly cared for freedom would be rooting for them, not despotic Muslim regimes where people are thrown off high roofs for questioning the government and women are stoned to death for the crime of being raped.

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I wish that Israel would just take over all of Palestine. They wouldnt' be hated any more by the left than they are now anyway, and the people there would be much better off than they currently are under Hamas rule. Israel is the only free country in the middle-east, anyone that truly cared for freedom would be rooting for them, not despotic Muslim regimes where people are thrown off high roofs for questioning the government and women are stoned to death for the crime of being raped.


The problem for Israel is, the birth rate is so low, within a generation, Israel would have a majority none Israeli population.

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