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More steelwork jobs to go

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excellent info from "Exxon." I did not expect Sheffield & Co would be building vehicles any time soon, but components, parts and after sales items maybe. The reference to 3D parts is an area that Sheffield might get into, the first car has been constructed. Now is the time to be planning for that. Is there anyone on the Council that has been charged with this kind of research to see what opportunities are coming and how they can be taken advantage of ? If not I believe it should be the first expense line of the next budget, "R & D for the future of Sheffield & Co"


I was not thinking of aircraft per se, the UK can build can build planes with the best of them, but the costs are so prohibitively high that even the US probably will have to collaborate with Europe and Japan in the future, post F35. The UK should always be in that mix for good reason, not the least of which is to retain the engineering expertise.


Sheffield &Co should consider first manufacturing new "Light" specialty items as it always did. Household/consumer goods now flooding in from China, may now be able to built in the UK if research proves positive. Look at the thousands of steel, iron and plastic items in hardware stores, that could be replicated. If Chinese products, a) the quality may be questionable, b) the cost and time to ship, package and customs etc is a big factor.

Is there now a gap that Sheffield could step into ?


Exxon suggested "Buy British". Great slogan to resurrect. Or maybe "Buy Sheffield" for a brand to launch Sheffield & Co with ?


Taxation may need to be looked at, say for the first 10 years, for enterprising companies

that will enter into new UK manufactured products, with eg. say a min. 75% of value built in the Sheffield & Co area (yes, other UK areas would want the same benefit)


If 4000 steel related jobs are about to be lost, again, to look into related manufacturing needs to be a very high priority, in London as well as Sheffield. London would have to be pushed hard and consistently. Their concern is primarily with the "City" and finance related products, in-bound tourism etc, at which they have been so successful.


Is someone at the Sheffield Council now looking into future needs ? Or do we have to wait for the arrival of a Mayor to start the process ? If this person is a "Dyed in the wool" politician, my heart sinks (a little).


Sorry I have gone on so long, but this is a subject I near & dear to me. The easy part is the ideas and suggestions. The hard part is making them happen.

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Do you try to be stupid sometimes?


Jaguar Land Rover is based in the UK with a huge manufacturing footprint. The same for GM/Vauxhall, Toyota, Nissan, Honda and BMW/Mini. Lots of UK jobs are dependent on the sales of the cars produced here, so if we all buy the models designed and built in the UK it would help secure those jobs now and justify investment for more jobs in the future.


How much more do we need to join the dots for you?

how will buying cars built in the uk with Chinese steel help to secure jobs and justify investment for more jobs in the future when theres no steelworks left:roll:

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how will buying cars built in the uk with Chinese steel help to secure jobs and justify investment for more jobs in the future when theres no steelworks left:roll:


You obviously know nothing about the steel that is used in cars that are manufactured in the UK.


The only types of steel that the Chinese are accused of dumping are construction grade steels. There are NONE engineering grade steels from China being dumped in the UK.


Also, the steel industry isn't a main employer for car manufacturing in the UK. Are you trying to be stupid? You do know the car manufacturers actually employ British workers in their manufacturing plants in the UK?

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Any subsidy has to be paid for. A subsidy given to steel manufacturers is a bill to every other industry, or we cut benefits, the NHS or something else to prop up and industry that can't compete, whilst producing a commodity they can't sell.


Yet we could find £500 billion kicking around to save a few banks that were failing, not due to market forces, but due to being run by people who only thought about short term profit.

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Yet we could find £500 billion kicking around to save a few banks that were failing, not due to market forces, but due to being run by people who only thought about short term profit.


Don't you mean the one eyed idiot Brown found £500 billion. Banks that Brown's pet FSA failed to regulate. How much of that £500 billion will we ever see again?


Didn't Brown give Fred Goodwin a knighthood for his services to British banking? :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

Edited by exxon
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