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More steelwork jobs to go

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Just a random thought.

Where is the steel made to produce the armaments, ships and planes used by our armed forces.

Much of the steel used to be made in Sheffield.


There's no problem making the steel. A lot of it comes from Aldwarke made from reprocessed scrap. It is customers that they want. The majority of steel used in the UK is made in the UK. But exporting it is tricky.


The British motor manufacturers use lots of it. But most of those who crow about government help and subsidies buy cars from abroad. 80% of cars sold in the UK are imports. If they were all UK made the UK steel industry would consume an extra 2 million tons of UK made steel, which would solve the problem. It would also provide several hundred thousand UK jobs. But the biggest advantage would be that it wouldn't cost the country a penny. It would instead contribute £billions to the UK in taxes and GDP growth.


If British people chose to buy UK manufactured vehicles instead of imports it would provide.


An extra 600,000 UK jobs

An extra £55billion in GDP each year

An extra £12billion in net value to the British economy through taxation.

An extra 2 million tons of UK steel consumed.


So why do so many folk working in the UK steel industry drive Volkswagens?

Edited by exxon
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To be brief in a global market we buy goods at the cheapest possible price regardless of the effect on our own economy and industries.

We want high wages in comparison to those producing goods at a cheaper price.

Because of our higher wages we should buy more expensive home made goods to sustain our industries.

Whilst in China I recognised an attitude amongst their people that they were committed to improve their country and all had a part to play.

Probably this is our way forward.

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To be brief in a global market we buy goods at the cheapest possible price regardless of the effect on our own economy and industries.

We want high wages in comparison to those producing goods at a cheaper price.

Because of our higher wages we should buy more expensive home made goods to sustain our industries.

Whilst in China I recognised an attitude amongst their people that they were committed to improve their country and all had a part to play.

Probably this is our way forward.


The Scottish Government, who seem to be making a big fuss about Scottish steel, has contracted the building of a new Forth Bridge. Where do you think the steel is coming from?

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The Scottish Government, who seem to be making a big fuss about Scottish steel, has contracted the building of a new Forth Bridge. Where do you think the steel is coming from?

This was mentioned on Question Timelast night and the reply was that it was the wrong type of steel made here for this type of work.

The sad thing was that no one asked the obvious question.

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The right type of steel is made just down the road at Stocksbridge.


And if they were closed for lunch construction quality rolled section could be obtained from Aldwarke


---------- Post added 30-10-2015 at 20:02 ----------


This was mentioned on Question Timelast night and the reply was that it was the wrong type of steel made here for this type of work.

The sad thing was that no one asked the obvious question.


Yes he's right. The Question Tie studio is one of the few places in the UK that doesn't supply high quality constructional steel.

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someone mentioned saving the "Sheffield & Co" steel industry as a subsidy, with other industries and taxpayers having to foot the bill. I don't see it as that. I see it as a mandatory expense to a) keep the steel industry intact and competitive b) reviving long overdue major industrial infrastructure projects c) decreasing the unemployment roles d) keeping experienced technical trades in the UK, and e) countering the negative effect of pricing subsidies from third party countries.


And on top of that I am suggesting that Sheffield & Co lead the proposed program by being first out of the blocks with the recommendations to London for review !

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someone mentioned saving the "Sheffield & Co" steel industry as a subsidy, with other industries and taxpayers having to foot the bill. I don't see it as that. I see it as a mandatory expense to a) keep the steel industry intact and competitive b) reviving long overdue major industrial infrastructure projects c) decreasing the unemployment roles d) keeping experienced technical trades in the UK, and e) countering the negative effect of pricing subsidies from third party countries.


And on top of that I am suggesting that Sheffield & Co lead the proposed program by being first out of the blocks with the recommendations to London for review !


And if the UK motor industry is priced out of the market because it can't compete as a consequence?

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