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More steelwork jobs to go

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I am only 65 but I can remember when the generic title, British Steel, really did mean something special. Sadly it's just a memory now.


What would happen if we went to war, where would we get our steel from I wonder.



it makes you wonder why our governments don't want to carry them traditions on. :roll:
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They will only listen when its in their interest to listen which means other countries take action and that will men trade sanctions and tariff, its all very slow. There is excess world capacity, hence the dumping. If the US or EU want to make them listen they can.

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it makes you wonder why our governments don't want to carry them traditions on. :roll:


it was terrible how the gaslamp lighters were not helped one bit when they hit hard times. now it is almost impossible to find anyone with a candle on the end of a 20 foot poll should the street light outside your house need lighting. and don't get me started on knocker-uppers.

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Firstly, I will say that I am very sorry for the people who are losing their jobs. Its a devastating blow to their community. I wish them well in finding new employment.


BUT, I do love the completely hypocrite reaction to stories like there.


He we are splashed all over the news chanting and raving about the governments lack of intervention. Lots of keyboard warriors and tv talking heads complaining, tutting and airing their faux grievances about how wrong it is and yet.....


Are we supporting our own industries. Would we pay more to buy British. My bony backside we would.


We flock to our discount retailers lapping up the plentiful goods. We marvel the bulging shelves of cheap homewares, cheap electronics, cheap phantom brands and toys.


Millions revel in the joys of fast fashion retailers, garments that can be purchased and disposed of so cheaply that you could have a brand new outfit every week even on a minimal income.


We buy foreign cars, we buy foreign made electrical, we thank god for the floods of foreign labour who come over and do the unsociable hours and unpleasant jobs that we seem are beneath us.


How do you think all this gets created so cheaply. Who is choosing to take advantage of this "competition". YES, its ourselves. We the British Public choose what and where we buy.


Here is an example: I have recently bought a PC Headset from a well know discounter for £2. A PC headset for less than the price of a cup of tea in a well known café chain.


For a shop to be able to make a profit on a £2 shelf price. How much do you think they paid for it wholesale price? For the manufacture to make a profit on the wholesale price, how much do you think they are paying for raw materials and labour costs?


With the minimum wage set to rise to £7.20 and the costs of British extracted/processed raw material plus taxes (...because god forbid a company would be in receipt of tax subsidies or incentives... image our reactions), how much do you reckon a British Made computer headset would be?


Do you think I would have bought it if it was next to a £2 foreign import one.


This is the problem. We can all shout at the government to intervene. We can all blame those greedy businesses not paying staff a "proper wage". We can all get protesty and faux outraged when Tracey on the TV is bleating on about her 'poverty' whilst standing in her council house with a cupboard full of food and a room filled with cheap foreign made furnishings and electronics.


We have to change if we want change to happen. We cant have it both ways.


If we want "our industries" back we need to create the demand. If we want our "hard done by" workers to get a fair deal, we need to be prepared to pay for it at the end price.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Firstly, I will say that I am very sorry for the people who are losing their jobs. Its a devastating blow to their community. I wish them well in finding new employment.


BUT, I do love the completely hypocrite reaction to stories like there.


He we are splashed all over the news chanting and raving about the governments lack of intervention. Lots of keyboard warriors and tv talking heads complaining, tutting and airing their faux grievances about how wrong it is and yet.....


Are we supporting our own industries. Would we pay more to buy British. My bony backside we would.


We flock to our discount retailers lapping up the plentiful goods. We marvel the bulging shelves of cheap homewares, cheap electronics, cheap phantom brands and toys.


Millions revel in the joys of fast fashion retailers, garments that can be purchased and disposed of so cheaply that you could have a brand new outfit every week even on a minimal income.


We buy foreign cars, we buy foreign made electrical, we thank god for the floods of foreign labour who come over and do the unsociable hours and unpleasant jobs that we seem are beneath us.


How do you think all this gets created so cheaply. Who is choosing to take advantage of this "competition". YES, its ourselves. We the British Public choose what and where we buy.


Here is an example: I have recently bought a PC Headset from a well know discounter for £2. A PC headset for less than the price of a cup of tea in a well known café chain.


For a shop to be able to make a profit on a £2 shelf price. How much do you think they paid for it wholesale price? For the manufacture to make a profit on the wholesale price, how much do you think they are paying for raw materials and labour costs?


With the minimum wage set to rise to £7.20 and the costs of British extracted/processed raw material plus taxes (...because god forbid a company would be in receipt of tax subsidies or incentives... image our reactions), how much do you reckon a British Made computer headset would be?


Do you think I would have bought it if it was next to a £2 foreign import one.


This is the problem. We can all shout at the government to intervene. We can all blame those greedy businesses not paying staff a "proper wage". We can all get protesty and faux outraged when Tracey on the TV is bleating on about her 'poverty' whilst standing in her council house with a cupboard full of food and a room filled with cheap foreign made furnishings and electronics.


We have to change if we want change to happen. We cant have it both ways.


If we want "our industries" back we need to create the demand. If we want our "hard done by" workers to get a fair deal, we need to be prepared to pay for it at the end price.


spot on. we import around 2 million motor vehicles every year. it's not as though they are cheaper or even better than those built in britain. they are bought in thousands by folk who work in engineering companies that make components for uk cars and then they will moan when there are layoffs due to low orders. go to a steelworks and the car parks are full of cars built with foreign steel.


some years ago i was in the north east talking to football supporters who were upset that the local steel company had dropped the sponsorship of the club... the reason....the club imported german steel to build the new stands.


if folk won't support their own jobs i don't see why the government should be asked to tax the rest of us to bale them out either. certainly not when there is no market for what they produce.

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In the 60s and 70s BSC river don works were casting the roll housings and Davy United were machining them as I delivered them from BSC to Davy,s and then took them to the docks or quite often over to Rotterdam for shipment to China , Mexico and South America.

We even sent engineers over to install them and electricians to wire them up as someone I knew then used to go to China for several months to do this.

The steel from China is produced by the equipment which was made in Sheffield.


I am certain that the Scottish Government ordered steel from abroad for the new forth bridge so that seems like a case of do what I say not what I do

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