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Lowfields/Sharrow racist youth

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Can you get sentenced for being a racist?


The op said he got hit by a stone on the head, racially aggravated assault will do as a charge in this case.

There is a charge of threatening behaviour so I'm sure there will also be a racist threatening behaviour charge somewhere in the law.

I hope they end up messing with a Steven Seagal type guy who ends up laying them all out and teaching them a good lesson...

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Isnt your last statement "inciting racially aggravated common assault" ?


Im playing devils advocate of course but you see how the ultra pc brigade have made this all laughable in the terms of what and what isnt acceptable by law.


Unless by "laying them out and teach them all a lesson" you meant making them all jolly comfortable and doing a power point presentation to highlight the error of their ways.

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Yeah but when the hills were not quite as old, the police would give them a clip round the ear and send them running into the night.


When I was lad I didn't get a clip round the ear from the old bill when I hung around street corners with my mates (we weren't violent or anything - we just messed about smoked, swore and were generally objectionable - with hindsight intimidating to normal people). The police moved us on and just made it hard work for to hang around the shops. Then we discovered pubs :love::love:

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