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Lowfields/Sharrow racist youth

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nope just common assault lol, the racial aspect comes into it as the reason for the assault, beating them for being knobs is not racial


It just inciting common assault then,thats much better.

Im glad we cleared that up.


---------- Post added 18-10-2015 at 14:44 ----------


Funny how the kids arent described as knuckle dragging, facist, tree dwelling, gob frothers etc though as is usually the case when describing white people deemed to be racist!

Just as knobs displaying racist behaviour!

Double standards i think.

Edited by yellowperil
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Hi all,

Thanks for messages of support!

No, I didn't report it to the police personally, but anonymously. Just so they know it's still going on, but I can do without the grief really. I'm happy enough that I coped well with the situation, didn't panic or run off. If they'd kicked my head in that would have been stronger grounds to report it.

What could coppers do anyway? I'd need a witness to identify them, make formal statements, testify in court and watch them get off....no ta.

Wish I'd taken pictures, which I will do if they recognise me and threaten me again.

I'm reliably told that the leader of this gang, the one who gubbed me, is a chip off the old block and well known. It's just a matter of time before he does something serious enough to get sent down.


---------- Post added 18-10-2015 at 15:14 ----------


Re parents:

From my experiences of travelling, parents in these countries rarely discipline their children, especially first-born sons are indulged. If there is nothing to counterbalance this then they can grow up like little emperors with a staggering sense of entitlement. Being told by grandparents that "You are a disgrace to the family" does not make them quake in their boots.


As for taking on the biggest one...yeah, that crossed my mind too and would have been very satisfying. What also crossed my mind was the area totally camera'd up, and being caught on film kicking the tar out a minor is not on my to-do list.

Also, I might have got stabbed or hit with a brick by one of the others. Risky, catboy, very risky.

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Did anyone go to the police neighbourhood meeting at the local mosque? Or send any questions in to the inspector? I wonder what came out of that regarding future action?


I posted the details on the previous thread about anti social behaviour Rude Shipyard I think it was, but the mods closed the thread because it was getting a bit too close for comfort for them, I guess.

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