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Christmas is coming

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My Christmas card catalogues and brochures arrived at the end of July! I have sent a few out to clients! What really bugs me though, is the amount of adverts on tv for furniture, "buy now and have it delivered in time for Christmas"

Jeez, two and a half months? If I bought furniture, I would expect it to be delivered within a few days!!!

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Far too early to be thinking about Christmas .

I'm all for being practical: buy your cards and pressies in the January sales; start kniting your Christmas jumpers and whatnot in May, so they stand a chance of being done on time; get your overseas cards and parcels packed and ready to go so you meet the last posting date, and so on. But writing cards for the neighbours, putting the tree up, and generally being festive should at least wait until December, even if the shops open their collective festive gaping maws in August.


How can you possibly feel even the slightest inclination to festivity in October, before the clocks have gone back and we've got November 5th out of the way?

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