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Motorbike parking

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:help: I was wondering if anyone knew the rules of parking your motorbike outside The Crucible in Sheffield town centre.I have seen plenty of motorbikes parked there and my boyfriend parked his bike there and came back to a £66 parking ticket.Which makes no sense at all as all different bikes are always parked there just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and whether we have a case.Thank you for reading.
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I suspect it isn't an official bike park; if so the ticket will be genuine. All is not lost however as you still have some time to research before you pay.

I'd suggest that you scan both sides of the ticket and de-personalise them, by blocking off registration number and ticket serial number etc.

Create an account and post the details along with the scans over at Pepipoo, (Clickable Link) where you are likely to get advice from folks who do actually know what they're talking about. A Google Street View link would also be advantageous, provided it shows the current road arrangements, and isn't out of date.


All of the above assumes it is a Sheffield cCuncil ticket, and not an SYP one.

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Now that would depend on where the bike was parked, If it was on the paved area then it would get a council ticket. However there is a space for two cars that has cobble stones and this belongs to the crucible so the council cant ticket you. A traffic warden told me this some years ago when I was working on the crucible extension, a snippet of info that saved me a lot of hassle.

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If it was chained to the small railings on the side of the Crucible, its not a motorcycle park, its pushbikes only. The council have cracked down on it recently, there, the railing on Norfolk Row, and the ones across the road from the Peace Gardens. The only designated motorcycle parking places I know of now in the city centre are the marked bays outside John Lewis, at the bottom of the moor outside the tyre place (opposite Middletons pet shop) and outside the scout shop on Trippet lane. None of those have anything to lock up to though. Theres an anchor point to lock to in the car park behind the student union building, and a bar to lock to round the back of the City Hall. If anyone knows of any more, post them up.

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There is always motorbikes parked there


I know, and indeed used to park there myself before they re-did the area a few years ago.

I presume you mean HERE


The trouble is,that you need either to pass that sign, or ride over the pavement past THIS ONE


Yes I would agree that it's a pain, but as far as I can see, your only possible way out of paying the ticket would be to follow my earlier suggestion. (or another similar forum I suppose, but do make sure that you follow informed legitimate advice before you rack up an even bigger bill)

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There is always motorbikes parked there


Just because there's 'always motorbikes parked there' (outside the crucible) doesn't mean to say that they should actually be parked there. The owners of those motorbikes are parking them at that location at their own risk of being ticketed, as that location is not a designated Motorcycle parking place. The Sheffield Stands are specifically designated for standard Bicycles, not Motorcycles. If you meant that he couldn't park somewhere else at a known Motorcycle parking place because it's always busy, that's probably because it is a designated parking place and there's relatively few of them scattered about.


There's designated Motorcycle parking just off Norfolk Street, at the bend of George Street just across from the NSPCC building - this is less than 2 minutes walk away from where he decided to illigally park.

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