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The History of Sheffield Swimming Pools - Major help needed!

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There was also an outdoor swimming pool in Endcliffe Park at the turn of the century, if you enter the park from hunters bar it was on the raised up section to the right,of main path and to the rear of the shelter that is there now.


best regards



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Originally posted by slh73

Hurlfield School (now called Myrtle Springs after it merged with Ashleigh) ha its own baths, on the East Bank Road site, when I went to school there. AFAIK theyre still there.


They'd better be! :D my friend goes swimming there once a week......



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Hi I am a journalism student writing a feature on the history of Hillsborough Baths, now the Deep End.

I am looking for information about how it used to look, the building, and what it cost to swim there. I also want to know when it closed.

If any one knows this information or remembers swimming there please let me knw, I would be most grateful

molly x

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From the research that I have carried, i've found that Hillsborough baths opened 1929 and closed in 1991. Then the Hillsborough Leisure Center was built initially for the world student games in 1991, and is still open today.



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We used to have the annual Boys Brigade swimmming competition there. I still have a couple of little plaques somewhere for winning the backstroke and coming second in freestyle :D


It had lots of changing booths with curtains down both sides, green(?) wall tiles and a gallery around at least 3 sides from where ISTR you could see into the changing booths!

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For king edwards. was opened around 1939 i think and was built for the school. It was then taken over by the coucil (not sure of the date). It was then treatened with closure in 1993. Four businessmen set up a trust to save it. It has running as a trust ever since. It is the only pool in the area to run without a subsidy in the area. The manager is called Alan Joynes. He is a very helpful fella. If you contact him i'm sure he will help you out.


Heeley pool is still going and is the only pool that is directly run by the council. The council are talking about putting it to trust at the moment. This pool has a freinds group who would probably help you.


Hope this helps

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Me and my mate learnt to swim at hillsborough baths in about 1974 swimming along the side holding onto the sort of trough at the side of the pool. I'm sure as well that there used to be a diving board in the deep end, also wasn't there two sort of baths just behind the shallow end,we were only ten so my memory's a bit jaded, what i can remember though was how cold it was when you got changed, a cold wind always seemed to blow and the toilets were absoloutely freezing. Still it never stopped us going.

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