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Chinese Premier visit good for trade.

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The Chinese Premier Xi JinPing visiting the Uk and the queen is excellent for our foreign trade and relations with this great country. We could learn so much from their attitudes to work and business here in the UK. unfortunately there are a small minority who continue to protest whenever a Chinese dignitary visits here very disrespectful.

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It makes sense to have better relations with China . There is uncertainty to whether the UK will stay in the EU, so the Government has to look more globally regarding trade . From my understanding the trade gap is narrowing between the UK and China which can only be good in the long run for our country .


Hopefully the Chinese people who are now in the second biggest economy of the World will buy more UK goods and services as a consequence of the hospitality Xi JinPing and his wife receive during their visit .

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The Chinese Premier Xi JinPing visiting the Uk and the queen is excellent for our foreign trade and relations with this great country. We could learn so much from their attitudes to work and business here in the UK. unfortunately there are a small minority who continue to protest whenever a Chinese dignitary visits here very disrespectful.


They could learn a lot about health and safety, how to treat workers and environmental resposibilty from us.

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We also have freedom of speech in this country. Its a right many people are jailed for in China. People protest when the Queen or the PM visits other countries.


yes we do have freedom of speech although sometimes SF could be likened to selecting it, as for China they have laws and rules and maybe a little less freedom of speech but that's their rules. The Chinese people are prospering on the whole, they have ups and downs like all economies, they will always win in the labour issue as it is plentiful. The Chinese are also investors which helps our economy. a win win dont you think?


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 15:23 ----------


They could learn a lot about health and safety, how to treat workers and environmental resposibilty from us.


that's why we lag behind in manufacturing and other fields as the health and safety issues and workers rights has gone too far the other way:roll:

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that's why we lag behind in manufacturing and other fields as the health and safety issues and workers rights has gone too far the other way:roll:


Yeah much better to have workers dying right, left and centre and smog making cities unbreathable :rolleyes:


Nice to see the Minister for China once again doing his job on SF

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yes we do have freedom of speech although sometimes SF could be likened to selecting it, as for China they have laws and rules and maybe a little less freedom of speech but that's their rules. The Chinese people are prospering on the whole, they have ups and downs like all economies, they will always win in the labour issue as it is plentiful. The Chinese are also investors which helps our economy. a win win dont you think?


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 15:23 ----------



that's why we lag behind in manufacturing and other fields as the health and safety issues and workers rights has gone too far the other way:roll:


About 5000 chinese miners die each year so they need to go a tad further Id say.

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Yeah much better to have workers dying right, left and centre and smog making cities unbreathable :rolleyes:


Nice to see the Minister for China once again doing his job on SF


give over workers die all the time in europe, Africa and the rest of the world, there is smog in many countries also.

why single China out:roll:


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 16:02 ----------


About 5000 chinese miners die each year so they need to go a tad further Id say.


how many miners died in british mines? a year, mines are all over the world, gold , diamond, chalk, copper etc etc and miners die its a dangerous job:roll:

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....who are now in the second biggest economy of the World


China Surpasses America As World’s Largest Economy


yes we do have freedom of speech although sometimes SF could be likened to selecting it


Sheffield Forum is a privately run forum, not a public service. As such, their rules apply.


Why don't you set up a rival forum with no moderation? Watch it all fall apart in months.


Yeah much better to have workers dying right, left and centre and smog making cities unbreathable :rolleyes:


Sir I admire your boycott of Chinese made goods. No smartphones or PCs for you I see.


BTW, how did you post that comment?


I'm sure you did it on a device that was not assmbled in China, nor were any of its components made there. Good for you.


I trust your boycott extends to Chinese rare earth metals (things like rechargeable batteries, wind turbines and catalytic converters require rare earth metals found mainly in China, as do many of our electronic goods [LINK]).

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