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Chinese Premier visit good for trade.

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China Surpasses America As World’s Largest Economy




Sheffield Forum is a privately run forum, not a public service. As such, their rules apply.


Why don't you set up a rival forum with no moderation? Watch it all fall apart in months.



sorry!! didnt know you were a Mod:roll::roll: freedom of speech is freedom of speech not when it suits

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China Surpasses America As World’s Largest Economy




Sheffield Forum is a privately run forum, not a public service. As such, their rules apply.


Why don't you set up a rival forum with no moderation? Watch it all fall apart in months.




Sir I admire your boycott of Chinese made goods. No smartphones or PCs for you I see.


BTW, how did you post that comment?


I'm sure you did it on a device that was not assmbled in China, nor were any of its components made there. Good for you.


I trust your boycott extends to Chinese rare earth metals (things like rechargeable batteries, wind turbines and catalytic converters require rare earth metals found mainly in China, as do many of our electronic goods [LINK]).


Do we just give them a free pass? Slaughter a few more tigers just to keep them happy?

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yes we do have freedom of speech although sometimes SF could be likened to selecting it, as for China they have laws and rules and maybe a little less freedom of speech but that's their rules. The Chinese people are prospering on the whole, they have ups and downs like all economies, they will always win in the labour issue as it is plentiful. The Chinese are also investors which helps our economy. a win win dont you think?


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 15:23 ----------



that's why we lag behind in manufacturing and other fields as the health and safety issues and workers rights has gone too far the other way:roll:


1. Just because they have money these days and trade is good doesnt mean we turn a blind eye to other things. Its their country, but no need to toady to them or approve of things we find repressive and distastesful. the chinese are currently destroying our steel industry with their illegal dumping, so not a win win. Both sides are in it for what they can get.


2. The reason we lag behind in manufacturing is because we are not productive enough for the wages we require. The reason why China can produce things cheaply is because it has a massive workforce, they get paid less and the state has no qualms in subsidising loss making operations. I rather like health and safety because I believe workers have a right to work in a healthy and safe environment. Are you Chinese?


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 18:05 ----------



Interesting article, especially the different methods of calculating.

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You can count the number of ethical countries worldwide on one hand. There are some appalling things done by the Chinese, but they are hardly unique in that.


Childish to say we shouldn't work with them based on their indiscretions. If we did that we wouldn't deal with anyone.

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You can count the number of ethical countries worldwide on one hand. There are some appalling things done by the Chinese, but they are hardly unique in that.


Childish to say we shouldn't work with them based on their indiscretions. If we did that we wouldn't deal with anyone.

Who said we shouldnt work with them?

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1. Just because they have money these days and trade is good doesnt mean we turn a blind eye to other things. Its their country, but no need to toady to them or approve of things we find repressive and distastesful. the chinese are currently destroying our steel industry with their illegal dumping, so not a win win. Both sides are in it for what they can get.


2. The reason we lag behind in manufacturing is because we are not productive enough for the wages we require. The reason why China can produce things cheaply is because it has a massive workforce, they get paid less and the state has no qualms in subsidising loss making operations. I rather like health and safety because I believe workers have a right to work in a healthy and safe environment. Are you Chinese?




1. the Chinese are only destroying our steel industry by default, just like the coal mines, we cannot produce profitably dont blame the Chinese..its just business. they arnt dumping they are selling and companies here are buying!


2. the reason we cant produce at a cost is we expect too high wages and benefits....oh yes just like the coal mines.

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1. Just because they have money these days and trade is good doesnt mean we turn a blind eye to other things. Its their country, but no need to toady to them or approve of things we find repressive and distastesful. the chinese are currently destroying our steel industry with their illegal dumping, so not a win win. Both sides are in it for what they can get.


2. The reason we lag behind in manufacturing is because we are not productive enough for the wages we require. The reason why China can produce things cheaply is because it has a massive workforce, they get paid less and the state has no qualms in subsidising loss making operations. I rather like health and safety because I believe workers have a right to work in a healthy and safe environment. Are you Chinese?



1. the Chinese are only destroying our steel industry by default, just like the coal mines, we cannot produce profitably dont blame the Chinese..its just business. they arnt dumping they are selling and companies here are buying!


2. the reason we cant produce at a cost is we expect too high wages and benefits....oh yes just like the coal mines.


They are destroying it by default through using illegal subsidies and dumping. Yes you can blame the Chinese if the methods they are using are illegal.


As I said the reason we cant compete on some items is because we are not productive enough for the cost, so no idea why you want to repeat it. Other countries like the US and Germany are more efficient. China isnt massively efficient it just has very cheap labour and then subsidises a lot of state industries.


So are you Chinese then, just curious becayse you seem a bit sycophantic.


Oh and FTAOD I like China, its good they visit and its good we trade together.

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They are destroying it by default through using illegal subsidies and dumping. Yes you can blame the Chinese if the methods they are using are illegal.


As I said the reason we cant compete on some items is because we are not productive enough for the cost, so no idea why you want to repeat it. Other countries like the US and Germany are more efficient. China isnt massively efficient it just has very cheap labour and then subsidises a lot of state industries.


So are you Chinese then, just curious becayse you seem a bit sycophantic.


Oh and FTAOD I like China, its good they visit and its good we trade together.


no i am not chinese far from it but have had very good relations businesswise with them for many years.

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“Communist regimes were not some unfortunate aberration, some historical deviation from a socialist ideal. They were the ultimate expression, unconstrained by democratic and electoral pressures, of what socialism is all about. … In short, the state [is] everything and the individual nothing.” ~ Margaret Thatcher


And yet, as soon as the markets are opened up to western businesses, Communist regimes are apparently completely fine with Conservatives. Totally, utterly fine. All that criticism of the Eastern Bloc and Chinese governments during the 1970s and 1980s, all that highlighting of their terrible human rights records, thought control, lack of individual freedoms, all of which would have been completely valid had they meant it; all of that was really a complaint about a lack of access to those markets. As soon as that access was opened all those criticisms fell away.


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 21:17 ----------


The Chinese Premier Xi JinPing visiting the Uk and the queen is excellent for our foreign trade and relations with this great country. We could learn so much from their attitudes to work and business here in the UK. unfortunately there are a small minority who continue to protest whenever a Chinese dignitary visits here very disrespectful.


Systematically suppressing peoples' rights to freedom of expression, freedom of religion and freedom of association is also 'disrespectful' to say the very least.

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