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Chinese Premier visit good for trade.

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China Surpasses America As World’s Largest Economy




Sheffield Forum is a privately run forum, not a public service. As such, their rules apply.


Why don't you set up a rival forum with no moderation? Watch it all fall apart in months.



sorry!! didnt know you were a Mod:roll::roll:freedom of speech is freedom of speech not when it suits


Oh the irony, a Chinese apologist talking about free speech. Are you sure you aren't employed by the Chinese embassy?


I've been here for a long time and pride myself on being able to spot trolls and fakes and I'm pretty sure you are one as well.


The strange use of language, the inability to punctuate correctly, the pathological defence of China......there's just something that tells me you are paid by Beijing.


Enjoy your rhino horn and thanks for making them extinct. Oh and sharks. And tigers. And elephants. Such an advanced people still believe that sniffing fingernails helps their health. :loopy:

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Oh the irony, a Chinese apologist talking about free speech. Are you sure you aren't employed by the Chinese embassy?


I've been here for a long time and pride myself on being able to spot trolls and fakes and I'm pretty sure you are one as well.


The strange use of language, the inability to punctuate correctly, the pathological defence of China......there's just something that tells me you are paid by Beijing.


Enjoy your rhino horn and thanks for making them extinct. Oh and sharks. And tigers. And elephants. Such an advanced people still believe that sniffing fingernails helps their health. :loopy:


ha ha well if i am i got you hook line and sinker:hihi: what are you the punctuation kommandant??lol and what is the strange language you speak of?? ah i see common sense? you have a deficit i see:roll:


---------- Post added 20-10-2015 at 22:37 ----------


I wonder if any of the protesters have ever been to China ?


dont be silly of course not! they are probably from Islington!

Edited by nikki-red
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I don't think the majority of people give a **** who suffers provided they have the latest iphone. Perhaps we should introduce suicide nets in factories over here for the poor sods IDS doesn't kill before they can be productive.

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I don't think the majority of people give a **** who suffers provided they have the latest iphone. Perhaps we should introduce suicide nets in factories over here for the poor sods IDS doesn't kill before they can be productive.


thats exactly it, people here dont really care as long as they can get everything they want for next to nowt!

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Putting aside the trade issues, Chinese people living and working in Britain enjoyed the spectacle.


That's nice for them.


Meanwhile about 5,000 families of steel workers in the UK are facing a grim future.


How can you celebrate a few Chinese people in the UK getting to wave a few mini flags while British workers get thrown on the scrapheap?

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That's nice for them.


Meanwhile about 5,000 families of steel workers in the UK are facing a grim future.


How can you celebrate a few Chinese people in the UK getting to wave a few mini flags while British workers get thrown on the scrapheap?


These 5,000 families of steel workers will all have Chinese goods and products in their homes . Before the downfall in the economy , there were plenty of empty shops in Scunthorpe which suggests to me steel workers were not spending all their money locally . Many of them will have taken foreign holidays rather than supporting local resorts such as Cleethorpes and Mablethorpe . They can choose where they like to spend their money just like industry can choose where they want to buy their steel from . It's a Global economy which we all benefit from , but complain when it's our turn to lose a job .

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It's embarrassing having HM pimped out to impress the Chinese Govt while at the same time th Chinese are purposely ruining our manufacturing industry. How do you say "pants down, no squeeling" in mandarin?


This Government is corrupt, they are a rogue state involved in terrorism - we should treat them the same way as Russia and Zimbabwe.


The sad fact is, Conservatives would sell our children into slavery if the price was right. They were, after all, cosy with the apartheid regime in South Africa who imprisoned Nelson Mandela.

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