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Chinese Premier visit good for trade.

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It's embarrassing having HM pimped out to impress the Chinese Govt while at the same time th Chinese are purposely ruining our manufacturing industry. How do you say "pants down, no squeeling" in mandarin?


This Government is corrupt, they are a rogue state involved in terrorism - we should treat them the same way as Russia and Zimbabwe.


The sad fact is, Conservatives would sell our children into slavery if the price was right. They were, after all, cosy with the apartheid regime in South Africa who imprisoned Nelson Mandela.


Russia made a state visit in 2003 when Tony Blair was the Prime Minister . Also while Tony Blair was Prime Minister China made two state visits .

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As long as money (investment) coming in, don't understand what's the matter. Remember the note left by treasury in 2010, 'we have no money left', to some extend, beggars can't be choosers. Investment is crucial for development, to create jobs, to put money into everyone's pocket, I think current government has a good long term vision, keeping special relationship with US, and developing new relationship with China, to make sure we won't lose out or miss any opportunities on both ends. I don't believe moral high ground can change anyone's life substantially. Just my own opinion.

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Different party politics don't come into it. Sheffield Council's Labour leader and CEO were touring China a couple of weeks ago asking them to fund council projects in the City of Sanctuary. Presumably China's human rights record wasn't being discussed when they got the chequebook out.

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We're losing our steel works because of cheap imported steel from China. How long then before China hold us to ransom by putting up the price of their steel?


Then we find somewhere else to import steel that is cheaper than china or we start making our own again if we can get it as cheap as what china was selling it as.


Its business.


We consumers want cheap everything. How do you think the manufacturers do it? By finding cheap raw materials. By finding the cheapest manufacturing and labour costs.


I have said dozens of times now. If we want to keep things British, we need to put our money were our mouth is and pay the extra costs. Cant have it both ways.

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