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Charity to support the needy?

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Instead of Government money going to those unable to work via an online form or a person on the phone, a charity would only give money to those in need. Perhaps a face to face interview and a appraisal of their needs.


The Kids Company was a charity in reciept of large sums of government cash to fullfil roles the government should have been covering. That didn't work out well for anyone but its boss who walked away from the debris with a fat paycheck.

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I have no strong feelings about state foreign aid, but:

It's not 0.7% of the budget. It's 0.7% of GDP. The budget is about 40% of GDP (that's approximate) so foreign aid is about 1.75% of the budget.


Its 0.7% of GNI, which is different from GDP.


Foreign aid is about £12 billion.


Obviously theres always concerns about making sure it gets to the people who its intended to help, but am in favour of overseas aid. Its an investment.


A lot of aid can be in the form of trade credits, which favour Britain or can be in debt relief to write off interest from previous loans. Its in this countrys interest to have fewer people in poverty, to have natural disasters dealt with and to lend a helping hand.


£900m has been spend on the 4 million people in camps on the Syrian border in Turkey , Lebanon and Jordan. Besides the humanitarian angle, its in our interest to help out because even more of them would flee and think about coming here. The UK has played its own hand in the rise of ISIS by its contribution to the region.


---------- Post added 23-10-2015 at 14:16 ----------


The Kids Company was a charity in reciept of large sums of government cash to fullfil roles the government should have been covering. That didn't work out well for anyone but its boss who walked away from the debris with a fat paycheck.


What payoff did she get?


Agree that lots of things that government should be doing are pished onto the charity sector.

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The government only spends 0.7% of their budget on foreign aid which should be treated as an investment for the world's future . I don't begrudge any of my tax payments being spent on foreign aid but do begrudge the amount going to persistent UK benefit scroungers .


And you go back to the African countries the following year and try and find what they've done with the overseas aid.

They never name the countries where these begging videos claim to be taken.

You are very naïve if you think overseas aid is an investment for the future.

We give aid to India, a nuclear power that has just shut Ta Ta down.

You know it makes sense when we give aid to South Africa, home of the worlds biggest reserves in platinum and diamonds where president Zuma has just built a multi million pound private residence.

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And you go back to the African countries the following year and try and find what they've done with the overseas aid.

They never name the countries where these begging videos claim to be taken.

You are very naïve if you think overseas aid is an investment for the future.

We give aid to India, a nuclear power that has just shut Ta Ta down.

You know it makes sense when we give aid to South Africa, home of the worlds biggest reserves in platinum and diamonds where president Zuma has just built a multi million pound private residence.


Unfortunately where ever money is involved , every where in the world , there is always a chance corruption may happen and the money doesn't go where it is intended . India also has a space program which is another argument to stop giving them aid, however the poorest in India will still suffer when we stop giving them aid . India and China are growing economies, but their poorest still remain much worse off than the poorest in our country, which is why I don't begrudge foreign aid .


I suspect those who object the most to foreign aid, are those who receive the most welfare benefits and pay the least in taxes , however maybe I am naïve in thinking this because as some say charity begins at home .


---------- Post added 24-10-2015 at 19:08 ----------


I agree them mps seem to do well with the wage rises paid for by the taxpayer :hihi::hihi::hihi:




Yes , I agree there are far too many MP's benefiting from UK tax payers . I think MP's should received zero wages , then we may get more MP's who have actually achieved something in life instead of the present crop of mainly career politicians .

Edited by Gamston
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Yes , I agree there are far too many MP's benefiting from UK tax payers . I think MP's should received zero wages , then we may get more MP's who have actually achieved something in life instead of the present crop of mainly career politicians .


So all MPs should be independently wealthy or part time?

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I thought they were part time (looking at the days they have off):hihi::hihi::hihi:


There are many days when parliament is not in session.

But they still have a constituency to take care of.


Here's an idea:

Let's open up the position of MP for each constituency to any applicant regardless of qualifications. Then every few years the adult population of that constituency can all cast a vote as to which of the applicants they want to do the job. That way they can't complain if they get a bad MP as they chose him/her.


Oh wait...

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Unfortunately where ever money is involved , every where in the world , there is always a chance corruption may happen and the money doesn't go where it is intended . India also has a space program which is another argument to stop giving them aid, however the poorest in India will still suffer when we stop giving them aid . India and China are growing economies, but their poorest still remain much worse off than the poorest in our country, which is why I don't begrudge foreign aid .


I suspect those who object the most to foreign aid, are those who receive the most welfare benefits and pay the least in taxes , however maybe I am naïve in thinking this because as some say charity begins at home .


---------- Post added 24-10-2015 at 19:08 ----------



Yes , I agree there are far too many MP's benefiting from UK tax payers . I think MP's should received zero wages , then we may get more MP's

who have actually achieved something in life instead of the present crop of mainly career politicians .


On what basis do you suspect the ones who receive welfare are the ones who object to foreign aid the most. Do you have any proof at all of this? Baffling.


Your ideas about not paying MPs also baffling becayse the only people who could then do it are those who could afford to support themselves i.e the well off or if you were struggling to live then you would eb mire susceptible to corruption. So another cray idea.

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On what basis do you suspect the ones who receive welfare are the ones who object to foreign aid the most. Do you have any proof at all of this? Baffling.


Your ideas about not paying MPs also baffling becayse the only people who could then do it are those who could afford to support themselves i.e the well off or if you were struggling to live then you would eb mire susceptible to corruption. So another cray idea.


Why is it baffling to have an opinion ? I have heard people who have had their benefits cut complain about foreign aid .


There are far too many young MP's who have not had a career outside politics . My idea of zero pay for MP's would attract more older (50 plus) people who have had successful careers . Many MP's already have other jobs and I don't have a problem if an organisation wishes to sponsor an MP, providing it is publicly known .


---------- Post added 24-10-2015 at 19:52 ----------


So all MPs should be independently wealthy or part time?


Yes , or have a sponsor


I want more winners and less losers to be MP's

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