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Charity to support the needy?

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Unfortunately where ever money is involved , every where in the world , there is always a chance corruption may happen and the money doesn't go where it is intended . India also has a space program which is another argument to stop giving them aid, however the poorest in India will still suffer when we stop giving them aid . India and China are growing economies, but their poorest still remain much worse off than the poorest in our country, which is why I don't begrudge foreign aid .



By giving these rich countries our Overseas Aid you're just encouraging them to keep the poor poor.

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Regarding Amazon and Starbucks the solution is simple , overseas based companies should pay an extra 1% or 2% VAT . However , Starbucks and Amazon do create jobs , workers pay taxes, so they do have a positive input to our economy.


Locally run coffee shops employ people too, I would personally prefer small businesses to pay less tax than these big companies.

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Locally run coffee shops employ people too, I would personally prefer small businesses to pay less tax than these big companies.


Small businesses do pay less tax than big companies . Small businesses would be helped by a reduction in business rates .

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