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Foraging in Sheffield

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Me and my girlfriend often go foraging for truffles when we're out and about in Derbyshire.

The sum total this year (or ever) is zero. This we think is mainly due to the fact we don't know what indigenous wild Derbyshire truffles look like in the first place. Also (and a little disheartening to be frank), the few 'eureka' moments and cries of wild elation, have sadly, on closer inspection, turned out to be nothing more than wild animal droppings … be they from deer, fox, or someone of Parsonian origin.

However, along with our panning for gold in the river Wye (exact location remaining secret for obvious reason), these disappointments do not deter us. 'I'm not worried by setbacks' is my middle name. :cool:


You should get a farmer to lend you pig on a lead (or in a poke) for truffle hunting.

Or even easier Thorntons sell Belgian truffles

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  • 10 months later...

Sloes, apples, Blackberries, Elderberries and flower, rose hips, Hazel nuts, Ransoms.

All the above are readily available in this region and are hard to mistake for anything else.

With a little more looking Damsons, Walnut, Raspberry and wild Strawberry are to be found

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Having given up on any thought of finding wild truffles (see last year's post), my foraging has this year turned to the slightly less exotic and futile.

For the past week I have been having a veritable forage fest ... wild onions, raspberries, broad beans, cooking apple's, plums, blackcurrants and potatoes to name but a few!

'My wheelbarrow runneth over', as the saying goes (or something along similar lines).


Unfortunately, the foraging season is only a short one, mainly due to my parents returning from their fortnight holiday next weekend.


All I need to remember to do is to cut a hole in ma and pa's hedge, thus implicating their next door neighbour for when CSI Sheffield start their investigations.

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I picked over 8k of blackberries over the park 2 weeks ago as this year the crop was good, alas its a bit late now to pick any more. Made several Apple and Blackberry pies and 3 gallons of Blackberry wine that's still on the bubble. Now its time for Elderberries as there are plenty about at the moment, they will be combined with the rest of the Blackberries left in the freezer and should produce another 3 gallon batch of Blackberry and Elderberry wine.


Went out with my grandson in April and picked a few buckets full of Dandelion heads which made 2 gallons of Dandelion wine. Seen lots of Rose Hips about recently so may pick some and have a go at some Rose Hip wine.

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i went foraging in woolley woods today i was only there an hour came home with.6empty stella cans.1left wellington boot slightly worn.1 tesco supermarket trolley.1 165 x14 radial tyre.loads of crisp packets .bycycle frame.pram wheels.various items of clothing. and a sofa (would you believe)

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