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Sweden: Doubling the number of refugees as centres burn

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If these figures turn out to be correct, would that not mean the end of democracy in France & Sweden?


The figures aren't in the Al Jazeera article he linked to.


They are some made up figures from a right wing blogger's site.



If you want to prove me wrong and demonstrate the figures are well researched and credible I'll happily apologise - but I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to do so.

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The figures aren't in the Al Jazeera article he linked to.


They are some made up figures from a right wing blogger's site.



If you want to prove me wrong and demonstrate the figures are well researched and credible I'll happily apologise - but I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to do so.


They are projections based on research carried out by the Pew research center, research that was carried out before millions of Muslims started their relentless march into Europe.




The Muslim population of England and Wales almost doubled over a 10-year period, a new study reveals. The report for the Muslim Council of Britain starkly highlights the community’s economic disadvantage.


Analysis of 2011 census data shows that the Muslim population grew from 1.5 million in 2001 to 2.7 million by 2011, demonstrating a 75 percent increase.


The research shows one in 12 school-age children is now Muslim, and a third of all Muslims are aged 15 and under, with half under the age of 25.


The study was prepared for the Muslim Council of Britain by a team of researchers, led by Sundas Ali, of the University of Oxford.


Just one in five Muslims was in full-time employment, compared with one in three of the wider population. The researchers said Muslims face a “double penalty ... in entering the labor market – of racial discrimination as well as Islamophobia.”


The “British Muslims in Numbers” report indicates that more than half were born outside Britain, but 73 percent regard themselves as British.



If this trend continues the UK will have a majority Muslim population of 78,000,000 in the next 60 years.

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They are projections based on research carried out by the Pew research center, research that was carried out before millions of Muslims started their relentless march into Europe.


If this trend continues the UK will have a majority Muslim population of 78,000,000 in the next 60 years.


[citation required]


"projections based on research" by itself doesn't actually mean anything. It could easily mean figures have been completely taken out of context or exaggerated beyond any sensible limits. Without evidence they are well researched and credible, they might just as well have been plucked from somebody's fevered imagination.

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Wheres this projection from?


Its the figure based on current trends, immigration and birth rate caused a 75% increase in the UK Muslim population over the past ten years , if that trend continues the Muslim population will be 78,000,000 in 60 years.

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Its the figure based on current trends, immigration and birth rate caused a 75% increase in the UK Muslim population over the past ten years , if that trend continues the Muslim population will be 78,000,000 in 60 years.


I mean it wasnt mentioned in your link.

Does that mean the population of the UK will be over 150m people or it will be the majority of 78m?

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Why? Can't muslims live in a democracy?


Not many Muslim countries have great records for democracy. Certainly not in the Middle East and the African countries which are now in conflict.

And we don't have a record in the UK for electing governments on religious grounds which is the way we would go with a Muslim majority.

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Its the figure based on current trends, immigration and birth rate caused a 75% increase in the UK Muslim population over the past ten years , if that trend continues the Muslim population will be 78,000,000 in 60 years.


Cite the original source. You cherry picking bits to support your viewpoint (or quoting someone who has already done that cherry picking) doesn't help as we can pick holes in what you're saying unless you can back them up with where the figures come from and how they are arrived at.


For instance, on what evidence do you base the assumption that the current trends for immigration and birth rates will continue for 60 years?

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